{30} Did you cheat?

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The twins^
Three months later...

Everything has been going perfect, ever since Mateo had told me why he was late home. I'm in a much better state and I can move around normally again. I started doing cardio exercises lately, just to loose all the flubber. I have no clue how Mateo can look at me and touch me as if My stomach don't look like scrunched up wet paper. In pregnancy I'm lucky I didn't have any stretch marks, but I've got a huge scar instead, which is hideous in my eyes.

Currently, I'm getting changed into some gym wear. Me and Zillio had decided to go and visit the gym.

"Mateo De'Luca caught sleeping with Olinque Vondik, after the birth of his children!"

"Yes Paul, that's right. Multi billionaire Mateo De'Luca has been spotted sleeping with another. We even have pictures, that ain't edited, just fresh out the press."

"Kate do you mind to show us the pics?"

"Of course not, Paul."

It was true! The screen showed a picture of Mateo in front of Olinque's naked body. She was smiling widely, as if she knew someone was watching.

"Does Kyliah know about this?" No!

"She must have, but if she didn't and she's watching, I'm sorry 'Bella'" Kate mocked and they both laughed. I paused the TV right then and there. I was angry, but saddened at thought. I just can't imagine him cheating on me, with all the love he's shown for me.

I tied my trainers, before heading into the twin's room, where Mateo was.

"Heya Bella, I see you're off to the gym." He licked his lips, whilst checking me out. I rolled my eyes in response.
"What's up?" He wipes the playfulness of his face and replaced it with his serious self.

"I need to speak to you and show you something." I say looking at my feet. He puts the girls down in their electrical play chairs. And follows me into our room.

"Now what's up Bella?" He shits the door. He walks over to me, about to hold me by my waist.

"Don't touch me. I want you to watch this and then explain." I say calmly, not wanting to jump right at him yet. I rewinded the Celebrity News back to the point it started.


When I was done I sat on the bed, with my head in my hands, holding back my tears.

"Bella look at me. This is a whole bunch of shit." I ignore him.

"I thought Olinque was long gone? And if she was, how comes proven evidence has been shown?!" I raise my voice.

"That was the night I went to sort her, my cousin and brother out. She thought she could lead me in, but I didn't follow through. Bella, please don't be mistaken, but I have or will never cheat on you." He grabbed my hands and looked truthfully in my eyes. A tear fell down my cheek and he wiped it away and pecked my lips.

"So how would the press know you were going to Olinque's place?" I asked.

"She probably told them to take pictures to frame me." He put his hand on my ass.

"So if they were there the whole time, they would know that you killed Xavier and that cousin of yours." I pinpointed.

"Shit! I had never thought of that. Thank you Bella, I love you so much. I need to find all the witnesses and people who were taking pictures. I need to hunt down Olinque's corporation system again and make sure she's dead." He said coldly.

"No! Don't kill! I've had enough of death, just lock her up or something. I can't handle the fact that you're apart of the governmental Mafia and is killing people if they get in your way." I say.

"Fine. I'll find a solution. Now kiss me, before you go with Zillio." He smashes his lips on mine, before I could respond. He squeezed my ass, making me moan in his mouth and he made the kiss deeper.

One of the twin's were crying, which made us pull apart.

"Go to the gym and I'll sort them out." Mateo kissed me one more time.

"No, I'll help first." I walk out and go into the girls bedroom.


"Oi Oi!" A man said from behind me. I turned off the running machine and saw a redhead guy starring at me. I got off the machine and headed to the Zumba class, where Zillio was. I was pulled back by my arm, by the sed guy.

"Get off me!" I yanked my arm away.

"I wanted to asked if you wanted to go out for dinner?" His breath smelt worse than animal dung.

"No, I'm married, with kids, so move out my way!" I tell him.

"Ooo sassy, I like. Oh and where's your wedding ring?" Fuck, this pedo is nosy.

"Non of your fucking business, now move!" I push him out my way.

"I'm coming for you." He laughs. What the fuck?

I suddenly heard a gunshot and see the guy drop to the floor. Behind the trigger was Travis, one of the bodyguards. Everyone in the gym went wild.

"Come Kyliah!" He said and I followed him, through the crowd.

"What about Zillio?" I look back.

"She's in the car." We go to the back of the gym, not wanting the press to get in our faces.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked him, but he just looked at me and then back out the window. "I'm talking to you!" He still ignores. "If you-"

"Master De'Luca demanded me to not talk to you no further." He said almost robot like. I sighed and leaned my head back on the seat. For some reason Zillio had gone in a separate vehicle, but that wasn't my concern. I don't get why Travis killed the guy and isn't explaining why.

|thnx for reading|

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