Twigs were placed in front of shino. Twigs really? He couldn't even get blocks? No matter he could win this. Even if he had to use twigs.

"This is a puzzle that will measure your iq's. Each one is different but have the exact same measure of diffuclty. It is your mission to complete the puzzle. First one to solve it gets a point."

"Hey wait i thought this was an intelligence challenge? What does speed have to do with any of this!?" Tenten complained.

"In a battle a ninja only has seconds to plan a strategy. Sometimes you might not even be able to get that. Usually if you don't think quick enough you die. Which means if you don't solve these puzzles in the next 10 minutes your team will be disqualified." Kakashi explained.

"Wait sensei why did we put Naruto on intelligence!? He's an idiot!!" Sakura panicked.

"Thanks for the support Ra!!"

"Don't lose"

"Your not helping!" Naruto whined.

"Do the damn puzzle!"Sakura roared back.

Naruto scratched his head in confusion. "I can't do this there's no pattern!" Naruto called. He turned to Sasuke with a panicked look.

"Dobe relax this isn't at test it's a-.......a seal! Your figuring out a seal naruto! Just backtrack it!" Sasuke called encouragingly silently praying.

"Oooh why didn't bushier brow sensei just say that?" Naruto asked.

"The clock running Naruto solve it!" Sakura screamed.

The others were well on their way and almost finished completing their puzzles shika in the lead.

"I't's just a seal" naruto breathed. As he studied each piece. Before arranging them. Thousands of possible seals flashing before his mind as he arranged the pieces quickly catching up to shikamaru. Naruto put in his last piece just a second before shika had.

"What a drag..." Shika mumbled shaking his head. Tenten's puzzle had formed a shuriken, Shino's some type of stick bug, Naruto's a seal that looked strangely like ramen and Shika's shogi pieces just formed a bigger shogi piece.

"1 point goes to team 7!" Gai yelled.

"It seems the young uzumaki takes after his father" danzo observed.

"More than you would know" Kakashi replied resisting the urge to flip danzo off. It was really hard to resist.

"Finally! We come down to the speed challenge! Lee, Sasuke, Hinata, Ino come on down!" Obito called. Sasuke smirked at his cousin Obito winking back. Lee beamed as he stood next to Sasuke. Even when they were adults lee was still faster than him without his weights on. Team 7 would not be winning another point that lee was sure of. In a trial of speed he could not lose no matter what kind of genius Sasuke was lee has always succeeded in speed.

"Hey wait just where are we racing?" Ino asked observing the field they were in. It was much to small for lee and Sasuke to run full power at the same time. If they did her and Hinata would probably get caught in the after effects of dust and rock debri.

"I'm glad you asked that. Ready bakashi?" Obito asked his mangekyou appearing.

"I've been ready deadlast"

"Kamui!" Both said together as they transported everyone to their own little dimension.

"This will be your track young ones" Obito grinned extending his arm.

"Hey why are there two tracks?" Shisui asked.

"One for the girls and one for the boys. We don't want any of the tykes hurting themselves do we?" Obito asked.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now