Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Hey! This is either the 3rd or 4th update today. Feel special! Plus I had like 150 reads yesterday and now I have like 560… I actually can’t believe it :3 Hehe thank you!


Mum’s just brought me a burger king back from work… I’ve never been so happy in my life, js XD #


3+ votes for the next chapter? Because you love me and everything:3


That gif -à I just can’t breathe.


And they say Narry isn’t real Pssshhh


Harry’s POV


We’d been back from the funeral a few days and been all lovey dovey and such. I was getting pretty bored from sitting in my apartment with him every day with the odd break when I went to work, so I wanted to try something new.

“Niall, get changed into something nice” I smirked at him as I entered the kitchen, where he was once again stuffing his face with the food out of my fridge. I didn’t mind though, he looked adorable when he ate and looked like a hamster.

“What?” He asked, his face half full with various, unrecognisable food items. Gross.

“I’m taking you out, shower and put something nice on” I picked up a handful of grapes from the counter and threw them playfully at the Irish lad.

“Fine” He dropped his food back onto the plate and walked off to shower and get ready for tonight.


I wrote Niall a note and stuck it to the fridge, so he was bound to find it, telling him to meet me at this restaurant at 5pm along with the directions while he was in the shower. He’d probably take a cab though, I wasn’t sure whether he had a car or not.

I stood apprehensively at the front of the Italian restaurant waiting for my date. It was 4:57 and my palms were sweating like Niagara Falls and I felt extremely light headed. I wasn’t nervous at all, honest.

I kept checking my watch every couple of seconds along with my phone, in hope that time will fly by faster and these three minutes of hell would be over with so I can lay eyes on the blonde beauty that would be hear faster than I anticipated.

Soon enough the beautiful creature that I call my boyfriend turned up at the front of the Italian and hopped out of the black taxi cab. His appearance could make hearts stop, especially mine. He was wearing a pair of navy blue Supras, beige coloured chinos with a grey cardigan with a white t-shirt underneath. Simple, yet breath-taking.  His appearance made me feel like a tramp. I was wearing red All Stars without socks, black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt with a dark navy blue blazer covering it which had a red trim where the buttons fastened.

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