Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

I'll update more tomorrow since its 22.29 here in the north of England ;) 

I love you guys so much it isn't even funny XD 


Im so normal...  

Sorry it’s so crap, the next chapter will be MUCH better, trust me:) I have things in store ;)

 Sorry it's short also! 

But here you go! 

:)) Fan, comment and vote please!! 

Sorry for the annoying intro thingy :3 I've just had a lot of sugar and i'm so hyper xD 

Harry’s POV


We must have dozed off for a while after feeling like death from eating so much food because when I woke up it was 5pm. I looked over at Niall and he was still sleeping in a foetal position with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

I sat up and stretched out my limbs and muscles which had gone stiff from sleeping curled up on the recliner. Not the best place that I’ve ever chosen to sleep in…

I rested my head back on the leather chair and waited for Niall to wake up, I didn’t know what was going to happen tonight. Was he going to crash here tonight? Or just stay for dinner? Or what?  I didn’t mind what wanted to do though to be quite honest.

“Harry?” He groaned weakly.

“Yeah?” I asked, looking over to find him with his eyes still kept tightly shut and his arms still wrapped protectively around his stomach.

“Just making sure your still here” He stifled a laugh.

“Are you okay Niall?” I asked, seriously concerned about his health.

“I think so, ice cream just doesn’t agree with my stomach” He forced a laugh, groaning afterwards.

“Now you tell me after you decide to eat two tubs, you utter dick head” I laughed at his suffering.

“Don’t laugh at me” He pouted.

“Whatever, I want food” I got up and made my way over to my kitchen.

I rummaged through my cupboards and fridge until I realised that I had absolutely nothing in to eat apart from the odd chocolate bar and a packet of super noodles.

I decided that I’d have to eat a super noodle sandwich (Don’t judge, there actually really good) unless I wanted to go to bed hungry. Even though I didn’t know how I was eating after all of the crap that I forced into my stomach a couple of hours ago.

I boiled the water in my kettle and put them in a pan on the hob, adding the hot water to them along with the chicken flavouring mix thing. Around ten minutes later my ‘tea’ was ready; I didn’t even think about what Niall could eat. If he wanted to eat something that Is. I doubted it.

I walked back into the living room with my bowl of slop-looking super noodles and sat next to Niall’s feet on the sofa.

“Please don’t eat that shit near me” He mumbled.

“why?” I asked, playing around with the awful contains of the bowl with my fork.

“It’s knocking me sick” He groaned.

“Aww is little Nialler poorly?” I asked in a way that I would use to talk to a six year old.

“Yes now piss off!” He snapped.

Looking in the bowl with disgust, I was no longer hungry or feeling the need to eat food. I placed the bowl and fork down on the coffee table without even eating a spoonful and clicked the TV back on as Niall fell back to sleep.

After a few hours of watching pointless reality TV shows Niall’s leg moved slightly meaning he would awake soon.

Soon enough, his big blue eyes staring directly into my green ones. He turned his body, sitting up against the arm of the couch and facing me.

“Harry?” He asked me nervously.

“Yeah?” I asked not taking my eyes away from the television.

“How did you erm” he paused “k-know you were gay?”

The question caught me by surprise; I wasn’t expecting him to ask me that. It made me realise that he was sadly confused about his sexuality and didn’t know what he was. I didn’t really know how to answer it, so I just went along with whatever my brain told me to say.

“Well it kinda gave it away when I liked the half-naked guys in the locker rooms at school during P.E” I laughed awkwardly “But apart from that, I kinda just went with it and kissed a guy and just liked it I guessed. Ive never been the type of lad to buy porn with girls all over the cover or being attracted to Megan Fox like I was supposed to at 16. I just figured it out myself really”

“Oh” He said simply.

“It’s okay you know, there’s nothing wrong with you if you are gay” I rubbed his shin so he knew I wouldn’t judge him.

“Thanks” He muttered but he still looked terrified.

I sighed and got up to go and make us both cups of coffee, I just couldn’t help but feel sympathy towards the confused lad.

His life hasn’t been easy.

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