“It’s okay, really it is”

“I don’t deserve any of this, you’re being way to nice”

“I know” he smirked at me before taking a gulp of his drink.

We sat in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes before he turned around on his stool and hopped off it. “You coming?” He asked me. “Where?” “You kinda need fresh clothes, you smell” He smirked at me.

“I do not” I laughed along with him

“Seriously though, go and have a shower why I find you some clothes” He playfully hit me on the shoulder.

“Fine” I muttered before making my way into his bathroom and hopping into the shower.


I walked back into Harry’s bedroom with nothing put a towel tightly hugging my waist and the pile of my dirty clothes in my right arm.

“Here let me take those”  he took the dirty laundry out of my hands and threw them into the overflowing washing basket in the corner of his room.


“Here, put these on” He handed me some clothes fresh from his wardrobe. He gave me a pair of ripped jeans, black socks, white boxers and a white and black ‘punk’ shirt.

“Thanks, for everything you’ve done for me” I gave him a thankful smile, which he returned.

I quickly walked back into his bathroom and put the clothes on. They kinda fitted me, the shirt was a bit short and his jeans looked like they were scared of my ankles. I sighed, I couldn’t complain though. He was being way to nice to me. I couldn’t believe he actually talked to me, never mind gave up his bed and let me use his shower and clothes. He was such a nice person, it made me feel even guiltier that I made his life hell for a fair few years. Sadly.

I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way into his living room.

“Bye Harry”

I didn’t want to overstay my welcome, he had been so sweet and I didn’t want him to think I was taking advantage of him.

“What?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at me in confusion.

“I’ve overstayed my welcome, thank you for everything though” I smiled at him before turning to pick up my converse from the middle of the room.

“You don’t have to go” He insisted

“Y-you want me to stay?” I was gobsmacked to say the least, he actually wanted my company?

“Sure, you don’t seem that bad anymore”

“Yeah, im really sorry about all of that. I was kinda being hypocritical…” My words began to trail into a whisper;

“What?” He asked.

My palms began to become sweaty and it felt like the temperature in the room was becoming increasingly warm even though it was only February and almost freezing outside.

“I err” I stuttered.

“It’s okay Niall, I understand” He smiled at me, rubbing my arm for support.

“I like boys okay!” I shouted before collapsing in a heap on the floor, my hands covering my eyes as I lent on my knees.

“There’s nothing wrong with that Niall” He tried to comfort me.

“There isn’t anything right with that! I’m supposed to like girls and give my dad grandchildren!” I cried into Harry.

“Sssh, come here” He pulled me into his chest as I began to sob uncontrollably into his shirt once again.

I Bullied Harry Styles? *Narry Storan*  CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now