Part 3: Second chances; Chapter 137: Being pierced by swords

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Jeremy was called to meet Charles while waiting for Ivy. He could not reject otherwise it might only stir more problems. However, he did not expect it to be a bait lured by Charles. On the way to Charles' bar in Landsfield, another gang ambushed him, Real and Chiang.

It was suspected that Charles provoked the other party on purpose by informing police to raid them and they were seeking revenge in return. The trio escaped narrowly, saved by paparazzi reporters who began to record the fight which caused the other party's gang to retreat.

Jeremy tried to hide his injuries when he headed home. He was lucky that Daisy was taking a shower and Ivy was still at Manes.

Charles was already not happy with the press release Ivy had just announced at the charity performance yet the news of the fight accidentally caught on by paparazzi erupted his temper even more.

Jeremy got frustrated at Charles when he called Jeremy to warn him to do something to keep his niece under control. Jeremy knew he needed to endure since it was his decision to play both sides and it was essential to keep Ivy under his protection even more in such a situation.

After getting Real's message on their sudden departure to meet Charles in Landsfield, Ivy felt uneasy that she too drove back to Landsfield. On the way back, she glanced at Marcel's reminder that it was her mother's birthday end of the week.

Mummy, time to see you again... Sigh, how have you been? I'm so busy and so tired.

I just want to rest in your hug Mummy... Ivy thought to herself while driving and was half worrying her uneasy feelings were bad signs that something bad was going to happen.

True enough when Ivy walked quietly upstairs and sneaked into Jeremy's room, she noticed he was limping while getting up from his bed to the washroom.

"What happened?!" Ivy gasped which startled him as he fell to the ground.

"When did you come in? No... When did come home? Aren't you supposed to be in Manes?" He asked while raising both hands in the air as she inspected his bruises and knew he was fighting earlier.

"What did Charles do to you this time? What demands is he punishing you for?" Ivy gave him a stern glare.

"It's..." He was too furious to explain as part of him was still angry with her for not listening to him to stash cash at Charles to fulfill his demands.

Ivy knew she would not be able to get him talking just yet and she did not want Daisy to worry so she went to boil hard-boiled eggs and ointment from downstairs before rushing back up to his room.

He was still furious that when she attempted to unbutton his shirt while he protested, she did not give him a chance to retaliate. He instantly regretted sparring with her lately.

At the speed she was working at, it stunned him for a long while, trying to register her actions.

She saw two bruises, one on his shoulder and another on his stomach as she gently rubbed it with an egg in a cloth. There were a few mild scratches here and there and knew he was not hurt so bad.

"Why are you pretending to be nice? After all, you have done. Didn't I tell you to give him what he wanted? Stuff him with money." He cursed out in gritted teeth in pain.

"Looks like you taught them a good lesson. Not many heavy bruises." Ivy complimented as he scoffed.

"Thanks to some paparazzi and now made the news again. Adding more oil to Charles' flaring temper." He cursed in agitation.

"What's wrong with that? If you're outnumbered, you run. You use your brain to fight, Jere. If we have so much money and give it away freely, then are we just slaves to the whole world? So having this in the news will only keep you safe in the eye of the public. Watch how I'm going to use this news to my advantage tomorrow." She gently knocked his head as he folded his arms in agitation.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second Chancesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें