Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 91: Hope and courage

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On the way to see Nick, Ivy stopped by the florist to pick a bouquet for Nick. Among all the flowers displayed, she was instantly attracted to the blue irises. When the florists wrapped them up for her, she was told that blue irises meant hope and courage. It was exactly what she needed Nick to have.

When Ivy reached the familiar neighborhood, she began to be nervous unexpectedly. Before she even get to alight, Marcel stopped her with a box.

"Open it first before you see him," Marcel instructed as Ivy obediently obliged.

The first thing which caught her attention was Jason's dim shimmering green hue bracelet. Tears welled as Ivy caressed it and noticed there were many other keys. She blinked hard to control the tears she thought were spilling but there weren't any as she gripped tightly to the bracelet recalling the times when their bracelets kept getting stuck with each other. It was also what lead them to meet each other.

Now, the bracelet sat alone on its own in the box. She took out hers and attached them together in the box. She didn't notice that only she could see the green and pink hues intertwining now that Jason was no longer around.

Marcel then gave her an envelope as she looked at him with a sullen look. She wiped away her tears which she thought she had but again, there weren't any.

As she set aside the box to read the content of the envelope, she realised it was Jason's will. His assets were split into two between her and his mother. Ivy began to understand what the keys in the box meant as she buried her face into her palms and let reality hit her silently.

Ray turned around and gently patted her head from his passenger seat.

"He left you his house, his car, his company, and Lucky on the day he went to see you at the cliff in case, just in case things went wrong but..." Marcel stopped explaining as Ivy drew a very deep breath while still covering her face with her palm.

She was forcing herself not to break down as she looked up, staring out into Jason's house from a distance. She knew Nick was their priority, and noticed she probably really had no more tears to spill though her heart still aches.

"Thank you, Marcel. Let's settle Nick first." Ivy insisted as she fought her emotions and took the keys in her possession.

She then kept both bracelets in her pouch where she used to keep hers. A shimmering twinkle attracted her attention when she was about to close the box. It was her infinity pendant with two stars twirling sitting in the box as she held it up. She recalled it was supposed to be given to her during Jason's very first confession but he didn't have any energy to put it on her.

A part of her sighed in regret for being so worried about how it would be when she leaves him instead of enjoying every moment with him cause that had cost her, his life. She drew a deep breath to push away all the building-up emotions as she quickly wore it before alighting.

"I'm fine. I promise. Don't worry." Ivy assured Ray who drew her in for a hug briefly.

"Let's go," Marcel said as Ray led them to Nick's house while holding onto the bouquet of irises.

On the way, she looked across and glanced at Jason's place again. It gave her a dull look with weeds overgrowing the familiar courtyard she once visited so often. She could still picture herself fighting with Nancy at the entrance of his house and imagine Nancy sitting by the round table in the garden looking into the glass door, spying on her and Jason.

Ivy was flooded with anguish for a moment as she felt it was her fault that she couldn't save Nancy from her depression. However, with that, she was determined to try and save Nick instead.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now