Chapter 60: What would you do about a long-lost friend?

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As Ivy walked passed a park nearby her home with Andrew and Sandra, it reminded her of how she used to enjoy playing hopscotch in primary school. The thought of a friend request received in the afternoon from a long-lost childhood friend, Jane slipped into her mind. Ivy recalled she used to call her every afternoon to annoy her even with simple homework questions.

She laughed a little but soon let her mind tell her the reason she stayed away from Jane. While she did that, Sandra couldn't help but find out what Ivy was laughing at.

"What's so funny?" Sandra asked while Andrew was busy with his mobile game.

"Oh, remembered when I was in primary school and we were in different classes, I was a close friend with an annoying girl, Jane. She used to make small matters into huge matters while big matters she took it lightly?" Ivy explained.

"Oh, Jane. Yes, yes. She transferred to another school in secondary. Why? What happened? Why would you suddenly think of her?" Sandra asked curiously.

"I received a social media request from her today..." Ivy sounded skeptical. "You know I don't usually approve of people like that you see. I wondered how come I didn't block her last time when I unfriended her long ago." Ivy whined as Sandra raised an eyebrow.

"You always have the tendency of doing that don't you? But true enough, she was a dramatic friend when she grew up. We understand why you had to stay away. She deserves that but now, what will you do about it?" Sandra asked while they continued to stroll home side by side with Andrew walking ahead of them still concentrating on his game.

"I don't know. I was just wondering that day how she was out of the blue and here I am with her friend request. Maybe she changed? But it's risky you know to let her in after getting fed up and agreed to not bother bout her once and for all." Ivy explained. Sandra could understand her as she nodded and knew she couldn't do much except to let Ivy think about it herself.

They both sighed as Andrew who wasn't paying attention to their conversation earlier turnaround when his game was about to end and heard them sighing. "Why are you two sighing?"

"Because you're just so slow," Sandra hastily walked past him when Ivy teased him as Andrew was dumbfounded for a moment.

"What should we have for supper?" Sandra asked as Ivy chuckled at Andrew's reaction. "You will get fat in no time, Sandra! Andrew wouldn't like that!" Andrew began to realise it was just the girls pulling his leg again.

"I'm sorry! It was just a very tense match session earlier... Please don't ignore me! Oh my gosh, you're all so petty." Andrew whined as he picked up his pace with the girls. Sandra rolled her eyes and looked away pretending to be angry while Andrew tugged on her left shoulder.

"Stop whining like a girl, Andrew." Ivy continued to tease as she laughed with Sandra on the way back with the thought of the friend request still lingering in her mind.

Ever since that night when Ivy came to terms with Nick, they had been in touch more often while Jason had been looking after Nancy who had been admitted into the mental hospital. Jason rarely had much chance to sit down and do nothing for such a long time. He thought he would be rushing work all the way after Mr. Jing's event but here he was caring for his obsessive ex-girlfriend while his workload was taken over by Nick instead.

He began to do a lot of thinking about the past events and the future he was looking forward to. It hit him hard to realise how many failures he had in trying to confess to Ivy. He even still had the necklace with him as he twirled the stars in a full moon pendant under the moonlight.

"How am I to ever tell you my feelings Ivy with my current situation?" Jason blinked away the unexpected tears as he stared at the starry skies above him. "I miss you, Ivy..."

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now