Chapter 36: I will be by your side protecting you, always and forever

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Jason watched Ivy wipe away her tears harshly as he stood by the balcony's entrance with her unexpected surprise prepared for him. His heart instantly ached, imagining if he wasn't there the night before to rescue her, what would have happened as he walked closer and patted Lucky who was wagging his tail at him.

He sat next to her with the aquarium of guppies. He knew he needed to make her express it all out as she was holding it all in.

He gently pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you for the surprise..." He whispered as she suddenly recalled the surprise she wanted to give him which completely slipped her mind. While trying to control her emotions from thinking about leaving Jason soon, remembering the surprise as a farewell gift made Ivy out of control as she poured all her heart out while being enveloped in his embrace.

"It's alright. It's all over. You don't have to worry." Jason comforted but to no avail as she wept helplessly. Jason could only gently comb her hair while watching the rain outside the balcony accompanying her. A part of him was grateful for all the decisions he had made so far while a part of him knew, soon, he will throw this young lady back into making a tough decision about her family and the status of their friendship.

Knowing Ivy, Jason knew that although she looked strong on the outside but in actual fact, she was deliberately keeping everything to herself and hiding her issues to not worry people around her. Sometimes, the pressure she puts on herself actually exceeds her abilities.

Even if he was to be selfish and not let her meet her family, he wasn't confident that with him alone he would be able to guide her and provide enough love or support.

"What if it turned out to be like Nancy again?" He wondered with regrets. He knew it was best if he let her meet with her family soon after her exams. That way, at least he knew she would get all the protection and love she always craved for while running the business well which was built by her father for her family.

"Guess, that's also how someone protects someone they love; by quietly staying by their side protecting them on the sideline..." Jason thought to himself as he gently patted Ivy who had quietened down and was much more calm.

"You know you're only eighteen? Why do you put yourself under so much pressure?" He asked softly as he intended to prompt her to speak.

Ivy suddenly recalled, she was in fact crying at the thought of leaving him soon but he must not know about it. Hence, she had to cover it with a lie and knew he must have thought she was shaken about the incident on the night before.

Although she was at first but she was more grateful that at the nick of time, he came to rescue her. "I was ... trying to protect my friends ...from being harassed..." She stuttered as she sat still in his comforting hug.

"That does not give you the chance to ignore your own safety, Ivy..." Jason caressed her wet cheeks but got so furious at the thought of Kyle's deeds at his delicate beloved Ivy. He couldn't help but to begin to continuously question her, letting go of his fears and worries.

"What if no one was there? What if I did plan to head home a day earlier to give you a surprise? What if he took advantage of you? Do you understand how dangerous it was for you at this age to fend for yourself and your friends but put the blame on yourself when it isn't your fault at all?" Jason furiously asked as he reminded himself to control his tone, leaving Ivy sat up straight while sniffing.

Ivy knew for Jason to be this furious, she had made a huge mistake and she was lucky to escape as she tried to control her emotions from the realisation of last night's dire situation and nodded. The sight of her vulnerable self made Jason's heart soften that he didn't have the will to lecture any further but instead longing to protect her all the while. He patted her head instead and smiled.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now