Chapter 24: An act or not, I will always be here for you

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The sight of Marcel kept Ivy in glee after an awkward car ride to the airport. While Nick and Nancy went to check in, Jason was briefed by Marcel with updates about the progress of work after Jason handed him his car keys.

"We have gotten these three companies to sign the contract. The earliest one would be next Wednesday's talk... The other two are in the next two weeks... " Marcel explained his report shown to Jason on his tablet.

Jason nodded and yawned a few times as Ivy stood by their side listening in and glanced at Marcel who was determined to complete his report despite Jason yawning a few times.

"Marcel, do you want to send me a copy of this report and update me? I will go through with him tomorrow?" Ivy offered as Marcel understood it was too taxing for Jason to continue but Jason raised his hand instead.

"Go on... I can do it. We have a bit left. What happened to the mental health awareness carnival and roadshow layout discussion progress?" Jason asked Marcel as he swiped to a detailed slide while Ivy looked on and noticed a sentence highlighted in yellow; lack of manpower and funds by seven hundred thousand.

"The agenda for the event is more or less finalised with the client. Just on the resources side..." Marcel paused as Jason swiped to the next slide when he noticed Ivy was paying attention as it was concerning her father whom she has yet to know.

"Is this the one which you were looking for investors?" Ivy questioned as Jason sighed and nodded at his effort of escaping the matter.

"When is the event?" Ivy asked nonchalantly.

"Two months time..." Marcel said as Jason was thinking of ways to fix it but in the midst of it, Nick and Nancy came back to chase them to head to the boarding gates.

"Hey... we're done checking in... time to head to the boarding gate else we won't make it on time." Nick said as Jason nodded.

"Keep in view on this... Send me a copy of this report and we will talk when I land..." Jason instructed as Marcel nodded and watched Jason trailing Nick and Nancy who went ahead to the boarding gate while Ivy quickly whispered to Marcel.

"Send to me ... I will show him tomorrow... You should brief him tomorrow instead. He is too tired..." Ivy pleaded with Marcel.

"Don't worry... I will Ms. Ophal. Go ahead, else you will be late." Marcel urged and waved at her as she ran catching up with the rest.

Ivy was grateful that Nick and Nancy weren't sitting close by Jason and herself on the plane. She was waiting patiently for the plane to switch back the lights while enduring her fear of the dark before she asked Jason about their situation and also on his business matters.

Jason noticed she was restless in the dark as he held her palm which he could see its silhouette was holding tightly to the chair's handle.

"You're alright?" Jason asked as she kept mum at his sudden comforting gesture. He was worried when she didn't respond as he decided to pull her into his embrace and keep her comforted but instead the lights were turned on.

Ivy instantly pulled away from her embrace as he went back to focusing on his work instead.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Ivy asked after a moment of silence.

Jason was busy reading the report Marcel just sent and adjusting his diary while planning for his next week's events. Jason knew he somehow owed Ivy an explanation which he couldn't avoid but he still attempted to do so.

"Say what to you? I was driving, Ivy..." He said with a comical face and continued to read his report while Ivy knew he was teasing her. She laughed and smacked him.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora