Part 3: Second chances; Chapter 113: Who is acting? Everyone is!

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As Ivy thanked the driver, she stepped into the office in her simple formal wear as a few staff greeted her. She ensured she greeted the security guard warmingly as she knew the lower-end staff were whom she would make good use of as support at all times.

"Uncle Chan, have you eaten?" She greeted looking at his nametag. "Yes, Ma'am. Thanks for asking. Have a good day." He replied as she smiled.

"Have a good day too! Thank you for all of your hard work. Usually what time are the peak hours?" She randomly created a conversation to stall time in meeting Charles.

"Oh, now, lunch hour and also when everyone leaves." Uncle Chan replied.

"After midnight, is there still an exit available from the entrance here or is it lock?" She asked casually.

"Oh, this building has other companies too. Usually, rarely there is anyone leaving after one or two in the morning. So, there is a side entrance by the corner there." Uncle Chan pointed as Ivy nodded. "You must be new! Welcome! Hope you are enjoying your new company?" Uncle Chan wished.

"Thank you, Uncle Chan. There must be other guards too other than yourself? It would so tiring till late night for you to stand on duty?" Ivy prompted more.

"Oh, Miss, over time I have gotten used to it. Yes, there is another young guard, Aman. I will introduce him to you when there's a chance. One of the companies up there rarely had anyone coming into the office but when they came they would leave very late past midnight. So Aman who is mostly on duty during that shift usually had to look out for their guests." Uncle Chan may have randomly reported it out of gossiping but it was catching Ivy's attention.

"How often do they come in?" Ivy questioned. "Once or twice in a few weeks."

"Do you know which floor is it?" Ivy asked pretending to be curious.

"Hmm... not too sure. But why are you asking?" Uncle Chan began to wonder about her curiosity.

"Ah, just curious about the building safety measures and operations. Thank you, Uncle Chan! I got to go. You, have a good day alright!" Ivy quickly walked off to the lift reminding herself of this piece of news. "You too! Nice talking to you..." Uncle Chan said as he walked to the front entrance and continued on guard.

When Ivy arrived at the meeting room, everyone including Jeremy was staring at her simple formal attire as Charles laughed. She then realised it was no wonder that Uncle Chan mistaken her as a normal staff due to her attire.

"Good to see you again my niece but don't you think your attire is being too simple for you?" Charles stood and walked towards her as Ivy raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"What brings you here my busy Uncle Charles? As far as I know, I have so many things to run on hand that I really have no time to fit you into my schedule. So you only get five minutes." Ivy folded her arms as she waited with a smile.

"Oh, if I were you I would not want to miss this piece of news." Charles teased as he went back and sat. Ivy met with Jeremy's gaze who was putting his guard up. "Where are you living first thing first? I went to the house and everyone was gone. Vanished. No one was in." Charles was trying to figure out Ivy's plan.

"Well, I'm someone's fiance, so I decided to just shift in and live together. You know, new modern society..." She shrugged nonchalantly as Charles chuckled.

"Where are your brothers?" He asked solemnly as Ivy leaned on the table while folding her arms.

"Hmm... Getting a better environment for sure I supposed. As for Ray, come on, don't tell me you don't know. You have been playing favoritism among us siblings. Very clearly he is your favorite." She retaliated as Charles chuckled again, understanding that Ivy knew he knew about Ray.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now