Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 93: Remembrance and freedom

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Nick woke to the tightened grip on his hand. He heard Ivy mumbling in her sleep calling out to her mother as he shook her awake.

"Ivy, Ivy wake up. It's just a dream... Ivy..." Nick called out as Ivy opened her eyes but she wasn't able to move.

Her breathing got heavier as tears flow from her eyes. Nick began to panic.

"Ivy! Ivy, you're alright?!" Nick called out and shook Ivy more. His loud voice was enough to alert Ray and Marcel to come in and check on them.

Ray instantly shook Ivy as he pinched her cheeks to help her get back her senses. She finally let out a loud gasp as she hid her face in Ray's chest, breathing heavily to catch her breath while forcing herself to calm down.

"It's alright Ivy... It's alright..." Ray comforted her as he gently patted her shoulder.

"Is this her sleep... paralysis...?" Nick who was startled at his first time seeing her that way asked as Ray nodded. It reminded him of the time when he woke in the middle of the night in the hotel room to find Jason comforting her outside on the balcony after she ran out of bed abruptly.

"It used to be worse but it seems Phyllis must have helped her a lot," Ray mumbled as Nick stayed quiet with a guilty face.

"She is alright. She will just need to feel some pain before she is able to regain her senses and always ensure she doesn't hurt herself." Ray explained to comfort Nick as he ensured both Ivy's hands weren't gripped.

"Here, some water..." Marcel suddenly appeared back in the room with a glass of water for Ivy. Ray took it from him and gently coaxed Ivy to sit up to drink.

Ray was surprised to not see her crying but instead, she was only still heavily breathing. She took a few sips of water.

"It's alright... We are here... You're safe..." Ray continued to comfort her. She nodded and gripped Ray's chest tightly while he held her hands after putting away her glass of water to avoid her from hurting herself.

"Would you make arrangements for us to visit the graves tomorrow?" Ivy said in the midst of recovery which took Marcel and Ray by surprise. They knew it was Jason's and Nancy's graves that she was referring to. Even Nick was a little surprised at how fast she could adapt to the situation.

"Ivy, you didn't have to rush the visit," Nick said guiltily as Ivy turnaround remembering she was supposed to put him to sleep but instead woke him up.

"Sorry, I was supposed to let to a peaceful sleep but instead I woke you up with a panic." Ivy apologised while still catching her breathe as Ray chuckled.

"Looks like the psychologist taught you well in controlling your disorders that you could joke this way?" Ray teased as Ivy chuckled a little before meeting Ray's gaze.

"I'm serious. It wasn't a joke. I really wanted to put him to sleep comfortably and also visit their graves tomorrow. Nick and I have discussed and agreed about it." She explained again. Ray looked into her gaze worriedly.

"Let's bring them there first thing tomorrow." Marcel urged as he squatted by Ray's side and held onto his left shoulder. Ray sighed before hesitantly nodding in agreement.

Ivy hugged Ray with a smile. She realised this time in her paracosm, Jason was still her shield for protection. She was going down the right track as she began to face her fears of heights and didn't hesitate to take a good look at her mother's face.

She reminded herself to visit her mother with Peter as soon as she settles matters in Manes with Nick first. She wondered what she looks like now and if she would recognise her. Her only hope she wished for was to hear her mother call her name again which she knew was only wishful thinking given her current mental state.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя