Part 2: 4 21 (For you); Chapter 106: For you

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As Ryu returned to the dining table, Peter began to get serious as he put down his utensils. "Ray, have you ensured registration for yourself and Ai Lee is all in order?" Ray was caught off guard at Peter's question as he tried to swallow his mouthful of porridge and nodded.

"Yes, classes are starting next week," Ray said briefly as he wiped his mouth. Peter knew something was amidst but he did not want to pester Ray. He trusted Ray's judgement and that he would choose what was best for Ivy.

"Good. Watch over your sister like you do over these two." Peter said which sent the three of them into a suspicious mode.

"Don't worry dad. Ivy will be alright. Besides, she has lived in Manes all these years." Ryu interrupted as Peter nodded meekly. "Dad, is there something wrong?" Jin decided to ask with concern as Peter quickly shook his head to remain composed.

"No, nothing. You know how Ai Lee is. Full of mischiefs. Just ensuring she gets her life straight." Peter said nonchalantly as the boys agreed.

"The three of you carry on with your tasks but always remember to not neglect your studies." Peter directed his last part to Jin as Jin nodded and adjusted his glasses to get caught red-handed with his deteriorating results.

"Good. I will head off for a meeting. See you boys." Peter said as he stood and put on his coat as Mr Jin led him to the car.

"Don't you find dad strange?" Ryu questioned as Jin did a quick analysis in his mind while Ray looked at the main door's direction.

Jin then gave Marcel a call. "Morning..." Marcel greeted in his serious tone over the line. "Morning, who is my dad meeting in a while?" Jin questioned as Marcel cleared his throat.

"Your youngest uncle and Jeremy," Marcel replied as Jin immediately scoffed.

"And you didn't update us?" Jin scolded as Ray pushed him to sit back on the chair.

"I just got the news a few minutes ago from his secretary. I'm sorry I should have..." Marcel apologised as Ray took Jin's phone.

"Do you have any idea what are they discussing?" Ray questioned as Ryu fidgeted.

"No. It's a classified meeting in the first place and my sources could only get to know right before the meeting proves to you it's not a simple meeting. I will keep an eye on it. Don't create any alarm by thinking of coming over." Marcel said before he hung up as the boys sat in a gloomy state.

Ivy who freshened up earlier went downstairs after she got dressed in preparation to meet Jeremy in the office today and start her plans when she noticed the brothers were all acting strange.

"Morning! What's wrong? Where's dad?" She asked as she took her usual seat next to Ray and Jin. No one answered or knew how to answer her without triggering her to bolt to the office.

"Where are you going dressing like that?" Ryu asked as he tried to change the topic.

"Office..." She said as she scooped some porridge while the brothers gasped. "What? Why? Don't. Dad said to head to Manes isn't it?" Ray said as Ivy raised an eyebrow while putting down the scoop.

"Tell me. Spill it. What's going on? It must be the office and Jeremy." She said as she blew the first spoon of porridge and take a bite.

"Why are you going to the office?" Jin questioned as she put her thumbs up to him, praising his delicious cooking skills.

"This is awesome. Good cook twinny!" She praised avoiding his question.

"Ivy..." Jin pestered as Ivy dropped her shoulder. "To strike a deal with Jeremy." She said as the brothers panic. "What deals? What are you talking about?" Jin questioned as Ivy explained the ideas she thought the other day at Phyllis' office.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now