Chapter 25: May I have this dance?

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The next day Nancy and Nick woke to find an empty bed next to them as they checked the balcony to see Jason and Ivy were asleep in each other's embrace. It did spark a little anger in Nancy as Nick quickly ushered her to shower first.

Nick wondered if it was really all an act as he watched his friend sleep peacefully by Ivy. It crossed his mind about last night's sudden movement in the room and he figured Ivy did indeed have issues with the dark as he decided to do them both a favor of resting properly after an uncomfortable night and bring Nancy out for a car ride after breakfast.

Nick left a text message to update Jason of their whereabouts and counted his blessings that Nancy was still taking her antidepressant medication which did a huge favor for everyone.

The heat radiated from the scorching sun woke Jason as he slipped off the chair to check the room was empty. He checked Nick's message but he didn't want to change his plans. He knew Ivy needed distractions as she seemed to be under a lot of pressure lately.

He carried Ivy and tucked her into bed to let her sleep in while he showered and booked a car to rent for the day. While he made the reservations, Ivy woke and quickly went to shower as well. While showering, she noticed Nick and Nancy weren't around and wondered if they saw them by the balcony. As last night's event unfolded in her mind, she couldn't help but to feel butterflies in her stomach.

Standing in front of the mirror while drying herself, she could see her face blushing as she quickly washed her face and walked out of the washroom. Jason was standing by the mirror styling his hair which captivated Ivy for a moment.

"Hey... you're ready? We have somewhere to go..." Jason asked after putting on finishing touches to his hair and went to take his phone and wallet. Ivy stood watching his every move for a long while till Jason walked up to her and raised her chin. In an instant she flinched with her twinkling eyes.

"Sorry..." She blushed and quickly took her phone and pouch before walking out of the room with him.

Jason sent Ivy to the restaurant to order takeaways as a distraction from his surprise while he went to collect the car keys from the receptionist. When Ivy was ready, she saw a text message to wait at the front lobby. She was surprised to find him driving a car in Landsfield as she hopped on.

"Where did you get this?" Ivy asked the moment she entered the car with their packed lunch, grinning while pointing at the car.

"Secret..." He winked as he drove away from the lobby. Ivy didn't seem to look disturbed as she unpacked their lunch.

"Quick grab a bite... You must be hungry..." Jason urged as she nodded.

Instead of taking the first bite from the fried rice she ordered, she offered it to Jason. Jason was taken by surprise while driving as he quickly took the bite and kept his eyes on the road.

He nearly stepped on the break when he saw Ivy took a bite next from the same spoon and prepared another spoonful of rice for him.

Ivy widened her eyes in panic as she jerked forward, struggling to balance herself while Jason stepped on the breaks and blocked her from going any further forward with an arm.

"Sorry... Are you alright?" Jason asked worriedly as he stopped the car to check on Ivy.

"I'm fine... Drive properly. I will feed you lunch..." Ivy managed to calm herself and urged him to continue driving as she lifted the next spoonful of rice to him.

"Don't you want to use another spoon?" Jason mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

"What's wrong with it? Besides, I always share utensils with Andrew and Sandra. It's not like either one of us has contagious diseases..." She snarled at him before feeding him another spoon of rice as he smiled.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now