Chapter 47: The Princess of the Seven Swords

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Marcel's action of looking for the management team to prepare in advance for the search and rescue team was indeed a brilliant idea but the heavy rain continuously poured, causing the mission to be put to halt. He was also aware that there wouldn't be any phone signals during heavy rain as he sat at the management office's shed sighing helplessly.

Andrew and Sandra who noticed Marcel was rushing off earlier had trailed him and as they saw his desperate efforts went to no avail, they accompanied him by his side to wait out the heavy downpour.

"Was the confession a dream or was it real?" Ivy woke to find herself under the aurora skies and instantly recognised the tall figure in front of her as she recalled the last question she heard from Jason. Ivy realised that stood in front of her was her younger self who was sitting on the ground in her paracosm and Jason doesn't seem to see her as she watches him focusing on her younger self.

"Hi!" Little Ivy was calling out to the teenage Jason in his dream. He reached out to the little girl instantly and pulled her younger self up to stand as they both stood under the aurora sky by the frozen lake. Little Ivy's eyes kept twinkling as she smiled at him and twirled around him as he admired her adorableness. 

Jason felt a nostalgic feeling when little Ivy pledged her future to him before running off to her mother. Ivy finally realised the teenager guy whom she always couldn't recall his face was Jason all along as she cried tears of joy.

The sound of notifications flooding in both their phones woke Jason. It was still dark when he checked the time on his phone and realised it was nearly six at dawn and the rain finally had subsided. He saw Marcel's messages telling him about him receiving Ivy's messages and updating him about the rescue team was on their way. 

A part of him was glad at Ivy's brilliant idea of leaving messages unsent as he closed his eyes. As he was too weak to move much and was struggling to keep himself awake, he tried to recall the dream he just had. He remembered every detail of the place which was where he had visited with his parents during his teenage days but he couldn't recall the face of the little girl as he sat still with Ivy in his arms. The sudden rumble of the thunder startled Jason to force open his eyes slightly but he couldn't manage to keep them open for long as the drowsiness was overwhelming. Just when Jason thought it was going to continue to pour again and the rescue team might not make it, he could hear voices calling out to him and Ivy. A part of him was counting his blessings as he let himself give into his drowsiness. 

Marcel breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of both of them being safe though weak and unconscious. While watching the rescue team put them on to the stretchers and carry them out from the shed, he secretly hoped they both had reconciled. He wouldn't want to go through another chaotic sleepless night with their matters ever again.

With the camp cancelled, Sandra and Andrew had notified their parents about the incident. Sandra also informed her mother to let Ivy's family know about it and which hospital Ivy was sent to.

When Ivy's family arrived, they saw Jason lying on the opposite side of Ivy's bed in a room as they quickly surrounded Ivy. Ray decided to check on Jason who was still unconscious since Ivy's side was crowded. All of them end up sitting around the room, hoping for both of them to be awake soon. Marcel, who came back from the cafeteria with a cup of coffee to watch over both Jason and Ivy ended up waiting outside the room alone as he tried to endure his fatigue and leave the family some time alone with them.

Ivy was finding herself intermittently thrown between the aurora paracosm into her grandma's iris plains. One minute she finds herself with Jason who rescued her from falling off into the frozen lake under the aurora skies and one minute later, she finds herself in her grandma's arms.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now