Chapter 39: Let me hold you a little while longer, alright?

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Jason on the other hand was about to be discharged from the hospital. His mother and grandmother were busy packing up for him. He had been staring at Ivy's caller ID for a long while when Daisy noticed her son was zoning out. Jason was contemplating on finding her tonight before Peter's arrival the next day after he read the message from him. He felt like it was his last chance to be her friend but he couldn't bring himself to press the call button as he didn't want to lose her at all but he needed to save his career which got him back to being frustrated than ever.

Daisy had noticed the caller ID's name and had a plan in mind as she helped him hit the call button and took the phone away from him. Before he could react, Ivy picked up.

"Hello?" Ivy put Jason on loudspeaker in the car as she typed away. "Hi, is this Ivy? I'm Daisy, Jason's mum..." Daisy spoke as Jason panicked and stood up but he realised it was too late as his mother had spoken to Ivy.

"Ye..Yes...Hi... Aun...Auntie...W...What is it th...that I...I can help you out w...with?" Ivy stopped typing abruptly as she stuttered and looked at Marcel who was raising an eyebrow at her while he drove.

"Oh.. It's like that... Jason has been busy packing and couldn't find time to convey this invitation to you. So, Auntie is telling you now that we are having a simple dinner tonight. Auntie was wondering if you could come and join us? I will send you the address in a while from Jason's mobile alright. See you, bye!" Daisy said without waiting for her reply as she quickly hung up and wanted to text her the address when Jason snatched his phone away. "Mommmm!" Jason whined as his grandma chuckled.

Daisy showed a very upset face at Jason. "Send her the address or I will pick her up personally tonight..."

"But mum, why is there dinner tonight? Even if there is, shouldn't it be just family members?" Jason whined as his grandmother stepped in to help out Daisy.

"Who said there isn't any dinner tonight? My grandson is discharged from the hospital and your useless younger brother said he was going to bring his so-called fiancee to see us tonight... You might as well bring your girlfriend too. You know how upset we will be whenever your younger brother is around..." His grandmother played along as Jason rolled his eyes and sighed before sending Ivy the address.

"Happy now?" He showed the message screen to both ladies who were smiling back at him.

"Hmmm... maybe that would be the best way to bid this farewell then..." He thought to himself. "Farewell..." He suddenly thought to himself as his eyes were stinging with tears before he quickly turned around to wipe them away when his mother and grandmother didn't notice.

Ivy on the other hand was shocked as Marcel laughed after a while. "You can't actually reject it right since it's from his mother? I'm sure his grandmother was there too... It's not a good idea to do so either... Well, finish up the proposal and bring it over to him instead to review personally?" Marcel winked to tease her as she sat back on the passenger seat trying to absorb everything that had happened.

She thanked her lucky stars for dressing appropriately today since she came from an exam and a meeting with a client. Hence, her formal dress with flats was decent for a first visit. However, Jason was nervous as though he was introducing his girlfriend to his family when in actual fact, it was a farewell only he knew. He was trying hard to keep himself composed the whole afternoon as he sat by the garden at his house and pace around nervously.

His mother knew Ivy's identity all the while and who her grandma was. Daisy was very fond of Ivy's grandma's noodles before this. The idea of having Jason to settle down with Ivy lingered in Daisy's mind for a long time but she knew Ivy was very young and she had to be more patient for that wishful thinking to happen as she smiled watching her restless son pacing in his grandmother's garden.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now