Chapter 5: A help from you

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Jason parked his car at the carpark of Mane's college while hastily collecting his documents and bag to meet with the Dean. On the way to the Dean's office, he received a text from Gerald to join him and their ex-university mates for drinks later in the night. He thought long about the offer and decided not to join instead.

He watched a bunch of girls fangirling by the basketball court watching a team of boys shooting penalties. He thought to himself he must be growing old to reject a drinking party.

Ever since he started his own consulting business with the direction to grow the business, he had stopped all his night-life activities, holding his whole heart into his career. Not forgetting his part time emcee job as well where he could live his dream job.

He recalled his encounter with Ivy again. He was amused as he laughed out loud while passing some students who gave him weird stares. He told himself he would definitely need to work with her as he hurried his pace to the Dean's office.

"Stop teasing... Hush..." Andrew put a finger over his lips to tell Sandra and Ivy to stop laughing as he wiped away the stain of ketchup and sat back down on one of the staircase steps. The stairs which overlooked the college's garden have turned out to be their favorite spot in the college.

"Just eat properly else you would choke..." Sandra gave him a tissue.

"Do you really think that little girl would be so impressed with the way you bite into your burger while locking eyes with her?" Ivy asked abruptly in a serious tone while finishing up her mac and cheese as Andrew stopped mid air to ponder.

The girls end up giggling as Andrew chuckles at his sloppy moves to tackle girls. He was always shy among other girls but not with these two. He was glad he was still surrounded by them both despite his shortcomings.

"No wonder she didn't bother to look after that but I'm sure she might be smitten." Andrew mumbled to himself while chomping down the last bit of his burger. "Do you want to go after her?" Sandra teased as Andrew blushed and Ivy giggled. However, he also felt a strange anger and agitation when Sandra teased him that way.

His temper was cut short when Laura, Lance and Belinda came to meet them.

"Yo, Ivy!" Belinda cheered in her cool tone.

Things were tense for a while before Ivy stood as she anticipated they were up to no good and she had to act tough and calm otherwise both groups would end up bickering.

"Yes? What is it bringing you here personally?" Ivy walked closer to face Belinda as though trying to protect Sandra and Andrew from their harassment.

"Wow, chill it you two..." Lance jumped in to block Ivy from walking any closer as he knew Ivy was provoking Belinda.

Laura held on to Lance as though he was her boyfriend. Everyone from Mane's high school knew she had feelings for him but not him and yet they are still a hot topic in every education institution they attend.

"Well, we wanted to find you in your house last night but I guess you have moved from that scary haunted house?" Belinda folded her arms while she flinched at the thought of their encounter last night. Ivy raised a questioning eyebrow at her as Sandra giggled away recalling the event last night while hiding behind Andrew who was confused.

"Anyway, we are here to invite you to Laura's birthday party but you need to pay half of the expenses. I'm sure you can and no rejections are allowed." If someone didn't know Belinda was talking, they would have thought Belinda had just sung that whole verse to Ivy. Laura couldn't help but chuckle a little as Lance looked a little guilty at the acts of the girls.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora