Chapter 22: A warm listening ear

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"Wow! New cap!" Sandra exclaimed the moment she saw Andrew at the entrance of the college main gate as she purposely left home late to avoid Andrew lately.

"Yo!" Andrew greeted in a cool way while showing off his cap and made Sandra giggled as they walked towards Ivy who was watching them from afar under a huge tree and laughing at Andrew's silly acts. Ivy had been trying to give them both space to talk things out that she left the house earlier than their usual timing and Sandra knew about it resulting in her deciding to head out later as she felt she wasn't ready to tell Andrew.

"Yo!!" Andrew was jumping all around Ivy the moment he saw her as he finally could show everyone his new cap. He felt it was strange for Ivy to arrive earlier but he knew she was trying to set up Sandra for him to have a chance to talk to but it didn't cross his mind that Sandra was avoiding him.

"Thank you for the job referral! See, my new cap!" Andrew danced around with his cap as both girls giggled. "No worries... Glad you bought something you like!" Ivy lightly tapped on the tip of his cap with her right hand while trying to hide her left hand in her pocket to avoid them from looking at her healing scar.

"Eaten breakfast yet? Breakfast, anyone?" Andrew asked them both from left to right while both of them shook their heads. "Come, let me treat you!" Andrew offered as both girls cheered. "I shall refer you to more jobs! Free meals!" Ivy cheered while a text message entered and she saw it was from Jason.

"Hey... Are your wounds healed?" He asked.

"Yes... but there's a scar. If my friends asked where I was last weekend, just say I was in the same roadshow as you..." Ivy replied.

"I know... Marcel briefed me. In fact, we missed a week of tutoring. Let me make up for it tonight?" He offered as Ivy pondered but instead Jason called.

"Hey... come over. In fact, this weekend, we will resume the part time emcee job. That's why..." Jason's explanation was interrupted. "Alright..." Ivy mumbled as he paused.

"You're alright?" He asked again. "Yes... I am... I gotta go. I am having classes. I will see you tonight then." Ivy said before hanging up. She sighed as she felt weird lately being around him but again when he wasn't around, she missed him. She knew she was struggling to control herself from falling for him with all the pretentious acts of being his girlfriend but sometimes, it just got out of hand.

"You! What do you want to eat?" Andrew asked loudly on purpose which startled Ivy from her thoughts.

"Usual one please. Oh, I won't be joining the study group till late... I had another tutor session tonight..." Ivy explained as Andrew nodded and went back to queue for the girls.

"How's things with him?" Sandra asked as she nudged Ivy. "Fine... All is well now...How's things with him?" Ivy asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Which "him" is this?" Sandra asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ivy blinked and realised Sandra might have thought she asked about Andrew.

"Both?" Ivy asked while raising an eyebrow. "It's going well with Jeremy... but for him..." Both of them sighed watching the goofy boy walk back with their breakfast while making funny faces.

"Breakfast!" Andrew cheered as the girls helped themselves to the breakfast before heading for class.

In the midst of Andrew trying to act like everything was normal by being his usual goofy self while Sandra joined in his silliness at times, Ivy couldn't help but to think about Jason intermittently between her classes. His tiny gestures lately had sent butterflies to her stomach and reminiscing his gentle gaze caused her cheeks to blush just by thinking about it. She recalled Phoenix's gaze was similar and she could almost feel Phoenix's warm embrace.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now