Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 105: The sacrifices we make for our loved ones

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Ivy walked down the stairs heading into the dining room to find a letter on where Ryu always sat. The envelope had Manes High School logo and it was addressed to Ryu.

Jin stepped out of the kitchen with a bowl of porridge. "Morning..." He greeted as Ivy looked at him sceptically.

"Morning..." She said flatly as she waved the letter to him.

"He had an offer from them and since his performance with the national team had been tip top, so..." Jin explained as he put down the bowl.

"And Melody?" Ivy asked as Jin shrugged before heading back into the kitchen.

Ivy took the letter and went up to Ryu's room. She knocked but there was no answer as she opened the door to find Ryu still asleep.

She pulled the curtains opened and peeled the blanket away from him.

Ryu groaned as he whined. "Ugh, let me sleep in! I'm skipping school today. I'm so tired from the match..." He pulled back the blanket to cover himself.

"Then maybe you should accept Manes High School's offer and live at grandma house." Ivy said solemnly as she sat by the edge of his bed waiting for his response.

Ryu was trying to register Ivy's statement in his groggy mind when the word Manes' High school's offer hit him as he jolted awake in bed.

"What do you mean?" He blinked in a shock as Ivy passed him the letter.

"I think you should go but you should speak with Melody about it." Ivy said as she messed up his hair while he peeled open the letter and read the acceptance offer.

He sighed at the irony of the offer. A part of him regretted confessing to Melody but he knew it was too late which made him frustrated to leave her alone in Landsfield. He was worried especially after her kidnapped incident.

He could not sleep in after that as he dragged himself up and headed to school instead. He had been zoning out the entire day thinking about ways to tell Melody that he nearly knocked into a light post when Jin pulled him away.

"Watch where you're walking would you?!" Jin screamed at him as they walked down the hallway to the maingate.

"Oh, it's you..." He said flatly.

"Didn't you said skipping school today? Why are you here?" Jin nagged as Ryu sighed.

"Head home first. I need to speak with Melody..." Ryu said as they reached the maingate and he ran across the street to Melody's school.

He strolled at the park they first met and sat by the bench waiting for her, knowing she would pass by soon. Melody was indeed pleasantly surprised and worried at the same time when she saw him by the bench as she ran over to him.

"What are you doing here? Thought you wanted to sleep in?" She questioned in a worrying tone but was smiling. Seeing her excited face made him hesitate more as he stood and held her hand.

"Let's go on the long bus ride today." He urged as Melody nodded. As they got on the bus and sat on the second last seat behind, Melody had already noticed his troubled look earlier that she hugged him. Only when they were alone in unknown places that they both would show affection.

"What happened? You seem troubled. Is it work?" She asked as he sighed and pushed her away before sitting straight up.

"I had an offer from Manes High School to transfer there soon." Ryu said solemnly as he watched her face brightened up.

"That's great! That way you don't have to tiredly head back there and here and you can spend more time practising!" Melody cheered as Ryu stayed quiet waiting for her to realise his point but she did not.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora