Chapter 2 : The day I met you

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After a hectic afternoon of discussing maths with Andrew and Sandra, Ivy had no time to continue history discussion with both of them as they had to get dressed for their college's induction event. The thought of the event tickled Ivy's stomach giving her butterflies as many new faces would be there but was glad for Andrew and Sandra's companion. College had started a week ago and she had noticed many familiar faces from high school. Everyone from Mane's City would leave high school for Mane's national college especially for its foundation courses not only because it's close to home but also for its prestige.

Ivy arrived later than expected as she was so exhausted from studying that she really wanted to take a nap. She practically was half dragging herself to the event. Andrew and Sandra had left earlier for the event as she was taking too long to prepare. Besides, they had duties as ushers to be done since they both volunteered for the event in hope that it would make a good record for their college certificate.

When she checked her text messages, she knew she was even later than her fake friends back in high school; Belinda, Laura and Lance as they asked where she was. She wasn't exceptionally close to the three of them anymore like how they used to in kindergarten.

They often think for a person of her age, they could not understand her train of thoughts. Some of it was too absurd for them to accept at their age such as enjoying solitary and mingling with Andrew and Sandra who are of poor backgrounds. The only reason they still stuck around Ivy was all thanks to the small fortune her grandma left for her that she was considered a well to do student in school and now college.

She never bothered to explain her reasons to the three of them although it wasn't an easy task to keep both parties at peace all these years as she secretly and patiently endured their discrimination alone. It was the only thing she could do to ensure the three of them do not bully Andrew or Sandra. She owed both Andrew and Sandra a huge gratitude for being the only genuine companions she had since young and to rely on sometimes ever since her grandma left.

Ivy never wanted to burden them both any further with her welfare; one of the reasons she never told them in full details about her sleep disorder state which had worsened ever since her grandma left. No matter how well oneself endure and bury their miseries away, every child with all the goodness in the world has their own dark stories to tell.

Ivy used to have dreams of places or things she longed for but would always end up as nightmares ever since she was a toddler especially when she had to sleep alone in the dark. She grew up sleeping with her grandma as a companion instead till she was a teenager.

Even the magnetic bracelet which her grandma made her wear since she was a toddler in hope to improve her sleep was to no avail. When she was older, she learned the bracelet was also her mother's last gift for her before she left them. Occasionally, when she thought she had outgrown the nightmares, they resumed again when she was under pressure but because she did not want to worry her grandma about it, she continued to endure them alone which had turned out to be overwhelming lately.

She strolled down the aisle from the main entrance to find the hall of the event but there were too many halls and she could not tell which one it was or a clue of direction. She looked around and found no familiar faces from school or college.

She decided to seek the hotel staffs' help instead. There was a guy wearing a suit standing by the corner of the aisle whom she thought must be the hotelier and perhaps he would do some help.

"Excuse me?" She said while unlocking her phone to check for the ballroom details as he looked up with a confused look.

"Where is ballroom number three? It's the one where the college induction event is. " Ivy asked hastily for fear she missed out on the food as she was really starving. She waited for a reply while checking if there were any new messages from any of her friends without making any eye contact with the person she spoke to.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя