Chapter 65: The good old days

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Jin was looking at the books of accounts closure for the year. With Ivy's knowledge of accounting, she noticed the company was making a loss and majority due to a shocking merger of the construction business their dad decided on his own with their Uncle Charles.

"It would be natural for them to need lots of raw materials in the beginning," Ray stated while looking at the accounts from his tablet.

"Yes...but..." Jin mumbled in doubt while scrolling as Ivy scrolled her tablet sitting next to Ray facing Jin. Jin has doubt about Peter's decision as he knew Peter wouldn't act rashly unless something was provoking him but Jin couldn't figure out what was it.

"In fact, the merger should have been delayed to next year for a better outcome..." Ivy pointed out.

"I wonder what dad's plans are to push forward the merger in a rush and show a loss," Ray questioned as Jin pondered on this point for a long time and could only come out with one clear possibility.

"It might be due to the fact that the construction company was not making money or even involved in illegal acts and disguising the fact with the merger..." Ivy said again as Jin squintted his eyes at Ivy's thoughts. "I should speak with Uncle James..." Jin thought to himself. He didn't like that though the investment was 30%, it had already made the company unstable and fall into a loss and speaking to their dad was out of the question as he had been trying to avoid all of them lately after the sudden merger with Charles' construction company.

Ryu stepped in to Jin's office being frustrated with his fans' matters after knocking on the door. He grunted and threw himself to the couch instead as the siblings wrapped up their conversation. "What's the matter, yo?" Ivy coaxed Ryu to tell them his issues as she walked over to the couch and sat beside him.

"The fans just had to intrude on my privacy and even harass the guards below just to meet me... I mean, I am a nobody..." Ryu grumbled in frustration as Ivy interrupted him.

"Wait, wait... You're not exactly a nobody. As far as I know, you're a national basketball player on the team aside from being the youngest heir to the Ophal's group..." Ivy pointed out as Ryu rolled his eyes in annoyance while the other two brothers chuckled.

"What's so great about it huh? I'm only human who wants to focus on my life." Ryu whined while rolling his eyes.

"You don't get a choice. Fame gets you where you are and so you return the favor with more attention..." Ivy teased as Ryu raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Ryu asked skeptically as Ivy gave him a mysterious chuckle.

Ray noticed Ivy take off her metal bracelet as the brothers listened in to their conversation. Ivy winked. "Leave it to me... I will plan a surprise for you and your fans..." Ivy said as Ryu panicked. "No, no..." Ryu held on to her arm as Ivy giggled and tried to let go. "Don't worry..." Ivy reassured with a mysterious smile as she loosen her arm to collect her handbag. Ryu stood to stop her from going further when Ray decided to let Ivy's plans to fall through as he changed the topic and helped out Ivy.

"Ivy, not wearing the metal bracelet anymore?" Ray asked while Jin took his blazer walking towards Ryu who was a little dumbfounded and led him out of his office.

"Oh, I took it off. It was inconvenient, especially since it wasn't exactly easy to match with my formal wear." Ivy made up an excuse as Ray nodded as they both joined the other two brothers heading home for dinner. In actual fact, she just didn't believe the metal bracelet was helping her to dream lesser after that miserable sleep paralysis night she had by the side with Nick. So instead, she chose to carry it around in a pouch.

Ivy has gotten busy with the preparations for Ryu's basketball party on new year's eve thereafter. She requested her brothers' cooperation to participate in a friendly match with Ryu but go easy on him and let him win instead. She even helped to design an e-poster and posted it on Ryu's social media platform for his fans to participate in a contest where they had to post the best shots of Ryu during his basketball competitions to win the limited 100 invites to watch the match and an after-party.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now