Chapter 34: Ivy Ophal Ai Lee

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"What am I doing here?

Wasting all my time

I can't stand the pain.

I am sick of this life

But here I am, still here

Dangling and hoping

That somebody could come and save me."

Ivy sat by the balcony listening to the lyrics of the song entitled My Savior by an underground band The Lucid Easter serenading her which was literally speaking out her thoughts. However, all she could do was tirelessly study and cram her history notes in mind in preparation for her exams next week as a distraction.

It's been four days since Jason left and yet he didn't give her a call or reply to her text messages at all. She was beginning to doubt herself thinking Jason's previous acts were genuine but instead it was really just an act to ward off Nancy. "I must have thought too highly of myself... How could somebody so old fall for you... Dumb Ivy!" She scolded herself as she angrily wiped away the tears welling on her eyes.

Fortunately, the two guppies swimming in the aquarium bowl in front of her was a great distraction. "Enjoy these companies while you can Ivy... Just a few more weeks. Hang in there Ivy..." She encouraged herself to stay strong knowing in less than ten weeks, she would then need to adapt to a new environment.

As she sipped her warm lemon tea which she ensured to make it extra sour, the soft gentle breeze was slowly drifting her to sleep with Lucky in her embrace.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself back in a stone path as she twirled around walking out of a foggy area to find her grandma's cottage standing out from afar. She inhaled the fragrance of irises wafting from the purple field while she continued to walk on the stone path.

It reminded Ivy of her first time visiting her paracosm. It was always the same view. She finally got her wish answered as she could tell from afar a crooked figure was her grandma as she ran all she could to reach out to her for an embrace.

"Grandmaaaa!" Ivy cried when she reached her as she quickly pulled her in to hug her with all her might. She ignored her cries getting louder into a wail as when she was with her grandma, she could let herself be vulnerable. Her grandma could only stand silently letting her weep while she herself wept with Ivy. Phoenix watched from afar as he approached them.

"Oh, grandmaaaa... I miss you... I miss you soooo much!" Ivy managed to say out loud in between her choking sobs as grandma slowly let go of her embrace and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"Ai Lee... Oh dear, how have you suffered... Grandma is so sorry..." Grandma said as she wiped away Ivy's tears from her wet cheeks.

"Grandmaaaa... Don't leave me again..." Ivy wailed with her eyes closed as she pulled her in for another tight hug. Phoenix who was close by was heartbroken at how sad Ivy was as he gently patted Ivy's head to comfort her. Ivy knew it was her twin as she held her hand out to hold his hand.

"It's alright... Cry all you want Ivy... You have been strong for too long..." Phoenix echoed as Ivy wept even more that she could no longer stand on her feet and fell on to the ground with grandma in tow. Phoenix spread out his wings to keep them both in his embrace as grandma sat weeping together with Ivy. In the background, Phoenix let his harp start playing a soothing soft melody he played before for Ivy which eventually calmed her down.

The sight of the rain on Jason's hotel room window panel was adding more moodiness to his already haywire self as he continued to drown in guilt for the past few nights after being busy at work, visiting sites and understanding the operations during day time with Ivy's father or brothers. He had been contemplating on telling the truth the next day since on the business side, everything seemed to be in order and he was going to head back to Landsfield.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second Chancesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن