Chapter 44: Realisation of growing up

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When Ivy woke up the next morning, she was greeted by rays of sunlight as she heard noises from the next room. She was reminded of the earlier part of the morning as she closed her eyes and sighed loudly at the fact that she hasn't had the chance to explain much things to her family yet but her weakness has been discovered in such a bad time.

"Good morning princess!" Peter greeted her as he stepped in from the next room.

"Good morning, daddy..." Ivy smiled at the sight of her sharp looking father in his formal wear as she crawled to the corner of the bed and gave him a hug.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Ivy nodded. "Usually I would have a hard time falling back to sleep peacefully but I did... So yes, I am fully rested..." Ivy smiled looking at her father. "I'm sorry about last night... I mean earlier this morning..." Ivy apologised as Peter combed her soft hair gently.

"Don't worry about it... You should shower first before we head down for breakfast... About visiting your grandma...We might need to postpone it to later in the afternoon as there is a little work the boys had to catch up on..." Peter urged as Ivy nodded and went off to the washroom.

After her quick shower she found a note to head down by herself to the restaurant. She quickly rushed over to find her brothers were being careful around her. They were concerned about her but couldn't bring themselves to speak with her, afraid of saying the wrong thing and scolded by their dad that they could only serve her breakfast of congee and its side dishes continuously.

Peter noticed the awkward situation among the siblings as he made an excuse to use the washroom thinking the kids might need some space. True enough, Ivy attempted to speak up first.

"Hmm... All of you do not need to be so careful around me... It was just a nightmare.. I cannot sleep in the dark usually else it would trigger sleep paralysis that's all. Other than that, I am very normal..." Ivy explained as she smiled and raised her hands up cheerfully while her brothers' mood lightened a little. She noticed Ray's stiff shoulders were finally relaxed as Jin adjusted his glasses. Ryu was already smiling at her.

"All good?" Ivy asked as they all nodded.

"Alright, I have business I want to discuss... I'm sure you all know that dad has transferred the shares in custody to me. I want to further transfer them and share among all of us including dad and Rahi's Consulting. Dad wants to be the minority shareholder while he suggests for me to be the major shareholder. The remainder of the shares I want to split among the three of you and Rahi's Consulting. What do you think of this, Director Jin?" Ivy asked nonchalantly in a managerial voice which surprised all of her brothers at how fast she could adapt to a different level of mood.

Jin, taken by surprise, cleared his throat after a few moments thinking of her suggestion. "I think it's a good suggestion.... I was also having that in mind but thought you should still hold on to all of the shares..."

"It's Ophal's business. All of you are Ophal. I'm no longer alone. We should all be the shareholders. Dad didn't know he would make all of you when he made the initial decision to put me as the sole shareholder. But now, I have all of you as my brothers..." Ivy smiled as the brothers looked at her beaming.

"Alright, any objections from you two?" Ivy asked, directing at Ray and Ryu who were smiling away and shook their heads.

"Good... Director Jin, please convey the message to the Chairman later alright?" Ivy teased as Ray and Ryu giggled at how uncomfortable Jin was as he kept clearing his throat.

"Stop calling me that, Director Ivy..." Jin retaliated as Ray and Ryu burst out in laughter. Ivy made funny faces to Jin as the mood on the table lightened up. Peter watched them from afar as he stepped back to stay awhile and enjoy the sight of his perfect family as he counted his blessings.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now