Part 3: Second chances; Chapter 117: Everyone needs you

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As much as Ivy wanted to pry on the underground business from Real and Chiang in the car, she found herself surrounded by really young teenagers who might freaked out at the outcome of her interrogation. When Jeremy said he would send a truck, he really meant it with all the girls traveling in his underground business truck which transfers his minions around with comfortable seats. Instead, she continued to drown herself in the folk song's playlist.

They were in the indigenous clan language which was known as Inklong. It reminded her of her paracosms as she shook her head to pay attention to the song list. She spotted a few she remembered listening to her grandma singing to her.

Jitri, Haiut, Chaiman = Sun, Sea, Crops

Sehcik pasat korita = Small town story

Walangta kongcap luwak hoik = We wish you well

Wuda hogus kundur, waya kiadak = Have a good sleep, my child

The one she remembered the most was "Maigan huansau, waa ehkan likap lumu paihat bangpi" which meant "Do not worry, I will catch your bad dreams".

She always could faintly hear her grandma sing to her in her sleep the last verse.

"Kundo sehcik kiadak. Pingsau, pingsau yingbab... Wa ehkan likap lumu paihat bangpi..." which meant "Sleep little child. Do not worry, do not worry cause... I will catch your bad dreams..."

Ivy could not help but mumbled some of the lyrics as Melody, Yan Shu, and Sun Li who became close after the events, who were in the same car began to pick up and sang along with her. "Oh, you know Inklong?" Ivy asked the girls as they giggled.

"We picked up in school for fun cause Ryu and your family..." Before Yan Shu could finish explaining, Ivy was laughing as she waved her hand. "I get it. I get it." She continued to sing along with the girls as Jeremy's minions were beginning to enjoy their one-hour road trip. That made Ivy decide that these fans could put on a performance as well.

When she stepped down to the site, she wanted to check on the construction site first only to be greeted by Nick. He who had been anticipating her arrival while being busy with the rest of the performance team, walked up to her before scooping her up off the ground and spun her.

She squealed in happiness. "What a welcome!" Ivy laughed happily.

"How are you? You looked so tired..." He pointed out as he messed up her hair like he always did.

She smiled looking at his refreshing face. "You look well. Phyllis is really helping you out with the daily therapy, isn't she?"

He nodded. "I will tell you all about it later. But first..." He used his chin to point at a group of people heading towards them.

She began to recognise one by one the band members and winners from the past competition.

"Hey, lass! We meet again! Glad to be of help and you on percussions." Will, the leader of Burning Embers greeted as Ivy grinned widely with teary eyes being reminded of the last time she saw them with Jason. She was grateful for Nick to be able to gather everyone in such a short notice.

"Meet the rest. Number one winner The Yongedes and number two winner Ace." Will continued on as Ivy was speechless at their willingness to cooperate at such short notice.

"Thank you... Thank you so much..." She bowed humbly at everyone. "Thank you for willing to help."

Everyone was touched by her sincerity as they all gave her a thumbs up.

"Let's get started." Nick urged as he helped her wipe away her teary eyes.

"Oh yes, about singers we can get those girls to do a choir singing performance. I was thinking each band to perform your winning song from the competition but ..." Everyone was impressed with how quickly she could adapt as she observed the girls setting up their media accessories.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now