Part 3: Second chances; Chapter 122: Alcohol Poisoning

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Ivy had been tossing in bed feeling uneasy after her shower that night. She kept recalling the conversation she had with Jeremy in the car and felt bad for upsetting him.

No, Ivy! You shouldn't feel bad for him. You're supposed to hate him for breaking your family up. Look at where Ray is now... She sighed wondering if Ray was doing fine as her mind replayed the kisses she had with Jeremy and blushed unexpectedly.

Oh, no, Ivy! What's wrong with you? She groaned at herself as she recalled what Melody told her earlier as a third party looking at their relationship from afar.

Was his acting so good? She questioned herself as she gave up sleeping wanting to head down for some water. A loud thud from Jeremy's room stopped her midway as she ran over to unlock his room's door.

She heard his whimpers in the dark. She quickly fumbled to find the light switch to suppress her fear of the dark, only then did she notice he had fallen off the bed.

"Jeremy!" She rushed to help him up only to find he did not look very well and his body was cold.

She slowly scanned his meticulous room which she missed out on the deliberate carves of ancient designs on the pillars when she first came in when he was drunk. She scanned his bedside table and began to worry if it was alcohol poisoning as she recalled her grandma's teaching when she used to help out at the chili noodles store.

She blinked at the sight of the open bottle with sleeping pills spilling out and could almost hear her grandma's warning. "Do not mix medication with liquor. You are sending yourself to the death's door."

She shuddered as she tried to shake him awake. "Jeremy! Jeremy! Wake up!" He was a little confused and unable to focus when she pulled him to sit up.

"You took the sleeping pills here, did you?" She questioned as he nodded half groggy. She unexpectedly let a tear slip as she shuddered in disbelief at his response.

"Jeremy, are you trying to kill yourself?!" She asked in distress as she quickly pulled him to the washroom to make soap water and forced it onto him. It eventually made him vomit into the toilet bowl.

She was forcing herself to stay calm when he was vomiting. She gave a call to Real over the mobile to rush over quickly to send Jeremy to the hospital.

Upon hanging up, she let Jeremy rinse his mouth with a glass of tap water but he was beginning to lose consciousness.

"Jeremy, stay awake! Stay with me! What exactly are you trying to do with your life?! No! Jeremy, please..." She scolded as tears well over her eyes blurring the vision of his frail lifeless body. The fear of losing him began to overpower her as she was reminded of the last moments with Jason.

She quickly distracted herself by wrapping him in blankets to keep him warm. He was still fidgeting as she gently wiped his face with a hot towel and kept his hands on his side whenever he fidgeted as she forced him to remain sat up.

Daisy walked in listening to all the commotion from her room and knew something was wrong with Jeremy.

"Ivy! What happened?" Daisy asked in shock as Ivy forced herself to stop her tears. Daisy checked his temperature to find it strangely cold. She quickly wet the warm towel again to wipe his body.

"Mum, do you know what are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning or did he ever get that before this?" Ivy sounded very worried as she tried to keep herself composed. Daisy ran through her memories and remembered his body to be this cold too. Daisy was in distress as her eyes saw the tablets on the dressing table outside in his room.

"We need to send him to the hospital. Now! Ivy, hurry!" Daisy panicked as Ivy quickly held Jeremy's hands onto her shoulders.

"I have called Real and Chiang to come over..." Ivy said as Daisy nodded while dragging Jeremy down the stairs.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin