Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 84: The confrontation before acceptance

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Warning: This chapter contains content that may not be suitable for some readers

That night, Ivy walked up to her room feeling tired after Andrew and Sandra left. Although she was still anticipating for Ray to return home, it was getting drowsy for her to wait any longer. As she slowly made her way up the stairs, she heard the flipping of newspapers from the living room.

She stopped midway to watch Peter with a heavy heart. She recalled his sacrifices for the company and wondered what was it that he still hasn't told everyone. The scene of her wailing to him when she first woke in the hospital made her wince back the sting of tears in her eyes. She realised she still wasn't ready to speak to anyone, especially him.

She felt bad for him because of her, he had given up on his business which is in a dire situation. Because of her, he was losing himself. With her struggling to deal with the death of Jason, she was also guilty of causing chaos in her family. She blamed herself for the mess she had caused.

As she rested in bed with Daisy, she thought hard and long if she was prepared to walk into her own ticking time bomb which was her soft spot, Jason. After many nights of continuous nightmares, she still hasn't seen her familiar paracosm. Aside from occasionally dreaming of serpents and also falling off the building with an unknown woman standing on top of the building releasing her hand, she was dreaming bits and pieces of the accident. She wondered if it was because she wasn't ready and willing to open her heart up or think about Jason that she couldn't reach out to her paracosm.

She closed her eyes and breath in deeply as she forced herself to bravely think of Jason just as Phyllis suggested. The first thing that came to her mind was the waltz lesson at the cliff. Her eyes reddened recalling the same version she had while in a coma where he fulfilled his promise to waltz on a bed of clouds.

She gently switch over to the aurora meeting where she recalled watching their younger self and smiled to herself as she reminded herself to check on this whether it was him who saved her by the frozen lake in reality.

Aside from these happy memories, Daisy who shifted closer to her as she felt her fur, made Ivy recall Lucky and wondered where was he and if he was doing well. She suddenly wondered how long was she in a coma as she opened her eyes to scroll through Melody's post and checked since when the prayers posted as the last line on every post started. To her surprise, it was nearly two months.

She slowly closed her eyes again and allow herself to recall the accident this time with a deep breath. She braved herself to recall the last embrace she felt from the loving arms of Jason. The first streak of tears fell to her cheeks when she finally realised he was pulling her in for a kiss that never was meant to be.

The way he spun her around and shielded her with his body from the impact and remembered to shield her head with his bare hands brought Ivy to a sob as Daisy burrowed herself into Ivy's arms.

The sight of his forced smile and reddened eyes in that last few moments made Ivy realise Jason knew it was his last moments but yet all he could worry about was her.

What hurts the most for her was to know that his last moments weren't for himself but a sacrifice made for her to live on. The gratitude that she owed to him and the inability to repay him during that lifetime, just adds more to the agony.

As she cried herself to sleep that night, she successfully found her way back to her paracosm. However, it was now all a different dimension.

After Jason broke the curse and murdered the king and Avinha after Ivy murdered the queen, Jason, and Ivy both unleashed their evil side and join in the forces of the dark side.

It was a strange gloomy place she no longer recognise. All she could feel was anger and vengeance. She found herself holding on to a sword and occasionally when serpents appeared, she didn't hesitate to chop them off brutally. It seems instead of screaming and running away like a few nights ago and waking up to cry, she was finally courageous to come face to face with her fears and enemies.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora