Chapter 18: Walking out of my comfort zone

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After opening up with Jason last night, she was a little shy to face him. Besides, it was the weekend and she was too lazy to get up on a free Saturday from extra curricular which she had already fulfilled the quota of hours for the month. Lucky was still in bed accompanying her as she stayed cuddling with Lucky in bed while reading a new crime novel.

Her cozy session was cut short when her stomach grumbled as she checked the time to be past twelve. She forced herself to get up to prepare brunch while she blasted her list of emotional songs which she turned to when her mood was down. She remembered Jason's band competition was today and set an alarm at four in the afternoon to remind her to prepare in case she forgot time again.

She stepped into an empty house and was grateful for it while her mind wandered to her nightmares. The squeal brought a familiar sense which she had encountered before but her mind couldn't recall it. As she boiled a pot of water for her noodles, she stood by the kitchen's window looking out at the mini garden while indulging in her thoughts fighting with each other on whether to confront the truth behind these nightmares through a psychologist.

The sudden vibration of her phone from an incoming call startled her. "Tsk, who is this? So annoying!" Ivy mumbled as she unplugged her ear pieces to answer her vibrating phone.

"Yes?" She asked with an annoyed tone, knowing the caller ID wrote "Ten pound twig" indicating it was Jason. She was too lazy to change his caller identification at first but grew to like the unique name she named him.

"Oh wow! Chilling?" Jason, who was caught by surprise at her annoyed tone, was asking awkwardly.

"Kind of, till you call. So, yes, what is it? I will see you later anyway..." She said while adding noodles into the boiling water.

"Hmm, yes... About that... We have a situation here. Would you be able to come earlier?" Jason asked while trying his luck as he knew he was threading on a thin line.

"Why? Change of schedule? Performing earlier?" She asked while walking to the counter top to fetch a glass of water.

"Well... not really... Just my drummer had severe food poisoning and he is hospitalised. So... I need a replacement..." He paused with fingers crossed.

"So?" She still didn't understand his point as she took a sip from the glass of water while waiting for her noodles to cook.

Jason took a deep breath before explaining in one shot. "I need you to replace him. Just that one song. The one you always accompanied me when I practiced?" He explained calmly and ensured every word was spoken clearly.

"Just one song." Jason pleaded while she was in the midst of finishing her glass of water.

She was still trying to register his point when she finally understood in the midst of swallowing the water she drank but couldn't help but choke. In mind, she wanted to up front reject the offer as she knew she wasn't skilled enough for a competition and besides, she wanted to stay low profile about her hobby but the thought of the story behind the song which was still a mystery, made her curiosity grow and eager to accept his offer in the midst of clearing her throat.

"Are you alright, Ivy? Ivy!" Jason panicked a little at the sound of her choke but the urgency of his situation pestered him to dive into desperate measures. "Look, you need to come down now to join in the rehearsal." Jason instructed as he began to fidget more with a feeling she would reject.

"No! This is absurd. I don't let anyone know I play the drums other than Andrew and Sandra. Besides, I am not as skilled as your drummer to be able to join in a competition." Ivy explained while she poured in the sauce packet for her noodles before stirring and off the stove. She walked over to the cupboard to get a bowl to serve her lunch while she placed him on the phone's loudspeaker.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin