Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 101 : I'm your daughter

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Daisy nonchalantly stepped into her room in an act in case Jeremy's spies caught her. Her bedroom connects to the study where John is. She quickly shut the door behind her at the sight of John in their room.

"What is it? It must be something urgent else you won't be back." Daisy asked urgently as John turnaround to face his wife and sighed sharply.

"Ophal's daughter came today didn't she?" John asked as Daisy nodded.

John let out another sharp sigh as he nodded. "I will find time to talk to her. That useless son's fiancee was found dead with their unborn child during childbirth..."

Daisy was shocked and disappointed. She was tearing up when John hugged her. "I promise you I will find ways to find the other two grandchildren."

"It's my fault for spoiling him so much that it costs his grandma and brother's life." Daisy sobbed in her husband's arms.

"You ought to stay strong for Ivy. She is fighting her way out. I cannot afford to let you fight your way into blaming yourself." John comforted as Daisy tried to gain her composure.

"John, I made her my stepdaughter. I don't think you will disagree, would you?" Daisy announced as John looked at his wife lovingly.

"How could I when all along it's your wish to have a baby girl?" John caressed her face.

"Ivy had promised to teach Jeremy a lesson legally. I am worried for her... Very worried." Daisy said solemnly as John's expression became serious.

"Don't worry. If things go as planned, I can ensure her safety. By then, I hope she would keep you accompanied too." John comforted as Daisy eased into his arms.

Daisy always knew her husband was good in business and that his recent arrangements for Jeremy to be one of his company's directors were a surprise. However, John had plotted a bigger hidden agenda and assured her that he will monitor closely. The only regret he had was being so strict with Jason that he rebelled against him. At the end of the day, Jason was still the one who made the family proud, especially John himself.

He wished he had gone much lenient at the end when he managed to pull ties with the Rahi. In return, he wanted to return the favor to the Rahi and help them out with their crisis since it was created by his second son.

He reluctantly left Daisy after she went to bed in an act that night as they continued to stay separately. It saddened Daisy but with Lucky accompanying her, it was less lonely as she looked forward to spending more time with her new stepdaughter soon.

The next morning, Ivy woke to find herself accompanied by her retriever, Daisy. In her mind, upon calling out Daisy's name, it reminded her of her new stepmother too. She made it a point to send morning wishes to her daily to assure Daisy she was fine and at the same time check on her.

Ivy reminded herself thereafter that it was the day she finally gets to meet her mother. Her biological mother.

Previously she was hiding most of her emotions or rather refused to face them cause she did not want to worry Peter or her brothers. However, that morning she felt a bittersweet feeling. Back then, she never knew she would be able to see her mother again and she was told to hate her father for abandoning the family. When she learned about the past, she began to wonder was her mother to blame.

Was anyone to blame? Why is their life that way? Can't things be better for them from now on? She pleaded in mind as she held her heavy forehead and closed her eyes.

It was all out of her control. There was nothing she could do to help change the past. She was still her mother and she knew she should at least give Peter and herself a closure to this chapter. She began to get nervous about meeting her mother that she did not notice Nick had stepped into the room.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now