Part 2:4 21 (For you);Chapter 73:Room 13,The reason behind the deaths sacrifices

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Warning: This chapter contains content that may not be suitable for some readers

Jeremy was sitting with Uncle Charles drinking away together. In a way, they were celebrating the improvement of Ivy's condition. In a good mood, Jeremy decided to reveal his plans to Uncle Charles.

"I am going to find your brother... Correction. My future father-in-law tomorrow to discuss taking over the business." Jeremy announced as Uncle Charles chuckled, half knowing who he meant but pretending not to.

"Who is that lucky man?" Uncle Charles played along. "Your brother, Peter," Jeremy said proudly as Charles was a little doubtful about Jeremy's hasty move considering what exactly can he do with the major shareholder still lying in bed in a coma.

Jeremy noticed Charles's quiet moments pondering as though mocking him. "What? You don't believe in my plans? Trust me, he will let me take over the management temporarily. That way I will enforce my hidden weapons during my inauguration and take over all the brothers' shares. At least I won't have to wait so long to gain some power. When your niece is awake, she has no choice but to marry me due to indebtedness." Jeremy laughed as he drank a whole glass of whiskey while Charles pretended to laugh along.

"Looking forward to being my nephew-in-law!" Charles cheered with Jeremy but deep down he knew Jeremy was never a smart ally. Charles had to plan his move carefully to not be involved with his crimes. For now, as long as he could have Jeremy as his cash cow, it doesn't matter what Jeremy does. However, the moment he treads too far into his crimes, Charles would pull out entirely.

Peter who had been accompanying Ivy alone daily was approached by Jeremy the next day. Peter was lost in his own world ever since Ivy's accident. No one could get some sense out of him other than his daily basic routines. James knew there wasn't much Jeremy could do with his underlings around guarding them under surveillance but he had never expected Jeremy's next move to be exploiting Peter's condition.

"Uncle Peter, how have you been?" Jeremy asked as he walked over to Peter with a glass of water. Peter was his usual self; quiet and having his mind elsewhere while Jeremy placed the glass of water by the side table before sitting next to Peter.

Jeremy observed Peter's frailed look and decided it was smart to make a move when he was vulnerable. "You seem very tired these days. Please take good care of your health. Your children still need you." Jeremy advised to test the water on his mood but again he didn't make any reply.

"I have been thinking Uncle Peter if you would like I would want to help you out more since I am also learning about business these days." Jeremy continued as Peter held onto Ivy's hand and looked down at the floor, not paying attention to Jeremy.

"Do you mind if I help out with your company's business for the time being? At least until..." Jeremy turned to look at Ivy.

"... Ivy's awake?" Jeremy asked as if Peter had been quiet earlier, he wanted to even be quieter or leave at that juncture. All Peter heard were squabbling from Jeremy and he was very agitated that Jeremy had to spoil the peaceful and quiet room he was in with his daughter.

Jeremy wasn't giving up as he waited with a smirk behind Peter. "If you don't say a thing, I will take that you agree. I will drop by the office tomorrow and start off. You don't have to worry. I will make sure to do my best." Jeremy immediately left without waiting for Peter to respond after he spotted Peter being uncomfortable but didn't know with what. With Jeremy leaving, Peter felt more at ease in the quiet room as he continued to lose himself in his own world. His mind wandered and wasn't aware of what had he put himself and the entire empire he built into.

Although James' underlings were guarding over the surveillance camera, they had no idea what was spoken. They could only alert James about it while James watched the surveillance and didn't suspect a thing but couldn't help but wondered what was discussed. He decided to wait for Jin to come in the next night to listen in to the bug planted in Ivy's room.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now