Chapter 8: The discovery of your identity

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"Ivy... Ivy..." Ivy heard an echo as she blinked several times at the bright lights. She could smell the sweet scent of blue peas and irises. She knew it was her paracosm.

She gently opened her eyes as they squinted while she tried sitting up and found grandma next to her. She hugged her instantly like how she always does. It was the refuge she had longed for after a long week in college. The exams were exhausting but she was glad she made it through. Besides, it was not everyday she could dream of her grandma. There were days she woke up to serpents from the portals or a black hole from a beautiful lighted aurora sky which always kept her adrenaline pumping.

A familiar figure stood behind her grandma and she knew it was Phoenix from his glowing skin.

"Oh Ivy, thank goodness you're alright!" Grandma exclaimed, sending Ivy into confusion while she parted from her embrace.

"What happened?" Ivy questioned as she watched both her grandma and Phoenix were hesitating to tell. Ivy was furious as she climbed down from bed and summoned her sword but her grandma halted her.

"Ivy calm down! Haven't I told you, you're on a mission to help Phoenix? He saved your kingdom and yourself from the serpents. Isn't that enough to show you his pledged loyalty in trying to protect your kingdom?" Grandma explained as Ivy slowly withdrew her sword which she was pointing at Phoenix.

She examined herself and saw there were no wounds."My wounds?" Ivy questioned.

"I healed them but the poison has to be extracted fast to avoid the side effects of hallucinations." Phoenix echoed.

"Yes my dear. We have successfully extracted the poison but you blacked out instantly. Now that we are all safe, let me prepare some desserts shall we?" Grandma chirped happily as she walked away into her kitchen.

"Princess..." Phoenix echoed as Ivy tried to step out of the house. "Follow me..." Ivy said in a lower voice as they both left the cottage.

"I'm sorry about the trouble..." Phoenix's apology was cut off by Ivy who held her right hand up to stop him.

"You don't need to apologise. From now on, we will fight your serpents whenever they come. Meanwhile, keep yourself in a pleasant mood as much as you can. To do so, please replant the irises destroyed and mend the damage done from your fights." Ivy instructed as Phoenix nodded in agreement.

Ivy was mesmerised by his poise even when he was scolded. She wondered if anyone

would be looking for him.

"Let's start with the purple irises patch..." She instructed again as they walked out into the long stretch of irises plains. "Who do you think would be searching for you out there?" Ivy casually asked while she squatted to tend to a plot of irises.

Phoenix shrugged as he wondered the same. Perhaps his parents or his army of soldiers. A pounding head was felt as Phoenix recalled bits and pieces of army soldiers led by him out from an aurora lighted sky. The word soldiers rang various voices in Phoenix's head but he couldn't make out anything they said except "kill the princess". He could see bits and pieces of swords and daggers as he held his pounding head and stumbled to the ground in agony. "No! No!", cried Phoenix.

"Phoenix! Phoenix! Are you alright?" Ivy went over and tried to calm him but he was rolling on the ground in agony while the sky turned grey with portals appearing. Ivy quickly drew her sword and waited for the serpents to appear from the portals but instead she was greeted by an aurora lighted sky.

It was the same sky she used to dream seeing her parents and her younger self in. The vibrant auroras were splitting the gray sky as she stood mesmerised by the beauty.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now