Chapter 23: Hidden talents

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Andrew was very bothered by both Ivy and Sandra's actions of neglecting him as though they were hiding something away from him. He was furious when he received the messages from Ivy that she would be late as Sandra wasn't feeling well.

He suspected something must have happened to Sandra as he was determined to find out what happened to Sandra by heading to her house only to find Ivy at the carpark of the college waiting for him instead. Ivy had been contemplating with herself the whole way to college whether to tell Andrew the truth as it would upset Sandra if Andrew didn't handle the situation well. She knew from the look on Andrew's face, he already suspected something was wrong as he pulled her to the bench by the park nearby and pestered her for answers.

"Tell me now... What's going on?" It was Ivy's first time in a long time listening to the usually bubbly and goofy Andrew questioning her in all seriousness. The concern in his eyes was fiery especially when it comes to issues concerning herself and Sandra.

Ivy let out a sigh as she took a seat on the bench and patted the seat next to her in a gesture to ask him to sit. "Not until you tell me what's going on? Something happened to Sandra, didn't it? What happened Ivy?" Andrew snapped as Ivy stood and held him by the shoulders.

"Andrew... If you really care about her, it's an important phase of her life in which she needs friends' support. I hope by telling you what happened, you would make good use of it to be a good friend by her side and not take advantage of the situation..." Ivy explained as Andrew's eyes widened. He could half expect what had happened. "She broke up?" He asked in a sad tone as his forehead burrowed.

Ivy nodded as she watched Andrew sit on the bench lifelessly. "Andrew..." Ivy called out which sent Andrew into rage as he repeatedly asked himself of the possibility of someone to break up with Sandra who was so perfect in his eyes.

"What's the reason? Who is this jerk? How dare he hurt my Sandra?" Andrew yelled as Ivy once again had to control his temper by holding on to his shoulders. "Andrew! Listen! You promised..." Ivy scolded as Andrew calmed down and sat back on the bench.

"It doesn't matter who it was, Andrew. It was also for a better reason. If Sandra decided to give herself up to her first boyfriend in such an early stage of a relationship, wouldn't that mean the relationship meant more to her and deter you from having any chance?" Ivy asked while throwing some hints which Andrew caught and was beyond disappointed at the guy Sandra dated.

"Andrew... You weren't supposed to know all this but I know your feelings... I am telling you this because I don't want to be in an awkward situation between the both of you but instead I hope you could support her during such times and hold back on the confession perhaps?" Ivy pleaded as Andrew began to understand Sandra's circumstances and Ivy's predicaments. "I know... Shall we see her? I promise I will act normal..." Andrew asked as she nodded. He flashed a smile which made Ivy know she could trust him as she drove him to her house.

Sandra was with Lucky by the glasshouse when they both arrived.

"Hey!" Andrew greeted cheerfully as though nothing happened when Sandra smiled watching his goofy self-dancing around with Lucky who was equally excited to see him.

"Goofball! You're driving Lucky crazy soon!" Ivy laughed which made Sandra join in the dance. Ivy watched with relief before her phone rang with a call from Jason.

"Hey?" Ivy whispered which caught herself by surprise. "Busy? You're alright?" Jason asked after spotting something wasn't right with her voice. Ivy left for her car away from the duo who were enjoying themselves and cleared her throat. In mind, she scolded herself for worrying too much about being overheard.

"Sorry, had to send Andrew to cheer up Sandra. Lucky was playing with them as well..." Ivy said while she entered into the car and Jason heard the slamming of the car door.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz