Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 97: The kiss which was never meant to be

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Nick was getting restless after Ray and Marcel left for work. He busied himself with the little garden he had been tendering to but the thought of Ivy not home yet bothered him the entire morning.

By the time it was lunch, he was pacing in front of the hillside looking out for Ivy's car but still no sign. He skipped lunch and continue to distract himself in the glass house with gardening till late evening. Restlessness began to build up in him. He recognised these negative signs but it was adding more to his anxiety.

He sat by the stairs feeling hopeless. He tried to convince himself that Ivy would be alright but his inner demons were convincing him the contrary.

It's your fault she isn't home yet. It's your fault she is suffering.

You should have stopped Nancy from being reckless.

Ivy must have given up her life because losing Jason was unbearable.

It's all your fault. You could have done better. You could have just died in place of Jason!

He doesn't deserve this death!

Nick was fighting hard against himself as he was grabbing onto his hair in frustration without realising Ivy had walked towards him from behind. Ivy's smile vanished the moment she saw him in that state as she hasten her steps and embrace him from behind.

"Hey... I'm home. Are you alright?" Ivy gently said as Nick abruptly turned around and met her delicate gaze. Ivy could tell he was very frustrated as she tried to hide her worries about him by putting on a smile only to be hugged tightly in return as he cried.

"You're safe! You're home!" Nick cried as Ivy sighed quietly and nodded while gently rubbing his back.

Was it always this tough on you? Life is so unfair.

She thought as she blinked her tears away.

"Yes, I am. Sorry for being late. You must have been very worried. Have you eaten? Did you have lunch?" She couldn't get him to answer at all as she began to worry he didn't. "Let's wash up a bit and head over for noodles at Auntie Soh's shop. Or would you like something lighter?" Ivy coaxed as Nick calmed down and kept quiet.

"Let's have something lighter inside. I will cook alright?" She decided looking at his hesitant self as Nick finally nodded and let her lead him inside the house before rummaging over the refrigerator for what was left to cook for some plain noodles.

She smiled reminding herself of the times she was caught having unnutritious meals or being interrupted during sumptuous meals in this kitchen after a tired day in college which she couldn't have in peace. Nick noticed her amused self from where he sat at the dining table while he watched her work her way through preparing dinner.

She's fine. She's back and she's happy. I should strive to be happy too. As long as she is happy, I can live with that by her side.

Nick convinced himself as he felt his inner demons quieten down. He even managed to smile when Ivy served him and accompanied him for dinner.

He realised it's been a long while since he ever had such a peaceful and quiet meal without anything to worry about as he took the first bite of Ivy's simple but delicious plain noodles. It was comforting to have something homecooked after so long.

He realised he had been busy keeping Nancy in check back then that he often neglected himself. A part of him envied Jason for such blessing of having Ivy as a companion but he was glad he was the one now, determined to protect his gem for as long as he lives.

That night Ivy had difficulty falling asleep as she kept tossing in bed. She was thinking about the meeting with Daisy and the promises she made about Jeremy to her and most importantly, searching for her grandchildren. She wondered if she could really keep those promises.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now