Part 2: 4 2 1 (For you); Chapter 103: The nymphs formation

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Ivy opened her eyes after recovering from a blinding bright light to find herself standing on a cliff overseeing thousands of illuminating phoenixes flying in on the other cliffs around her. Their beauty was magnificent and glorious. There were some intertwining in the mating dance while some were taking flights around.

The one which caught her attention was in an averted hue of dark red from the head which soften to yellow at the bottom. It was flying directly into her direction as it stationed itself in front of Ivy as though inviting her up on a ride. When Ivy was about to take a leap onto it, she heard Avinha's voice.

"Have you lost your mind on the way here? Aren't you a phoenix yourself too? Can't you transform and fly?" He grunted as he changed into a dragon form and took flight. She watched him in awe as he flew away in his charming black scales but scoffed as he turnaround forming an "S" shape in the sky staring back at her as though waiting for her.

"Hurry! We don't have forever here!" He growled and huffed a breath of fire in agitation as Ivy tried recalling what she had to do to transform.

"Easy... Block out all the noises and channel your inner power to transform." Ivy heard a voice talking to her but it was in her mind. It sounded so familiar like Daisy's. Only then she realised the voice came from the Phoenix in front of her.

"Mama..." She naturally called out as tears welled in her eyes as she smiled widely.

"You do know which mother I am to you, don't you? I am Phoenix's and Avinha's mother. Come on, my dear..." She cooed for her to attempt her transformation as Ivy focused on her Phoenix form in front of her which is a depiction of Daisy. As her thoughts rumbled in her mind, she instantly took a wobbly leap that landed her on top of Daisy.

"Good job my dear..." Ivy beamed at the praise Daisy gave as she grew more confident and flew close by her.

"Are you named Daisy here too? Where is this?" Ivy asked in mind.

"No, I am not Daisy. I am Madra. This is your home, my dear. The Land Inklong's tribe. Further up is where I live with the Sea Inklong's tribe." Ivy looked in her mother's direction for a moment.

"But you're a phoenix..." She recalled only the dragons live by the sea.

"That's why I named him Phoenix too. You will know when you see him anytime soon. I'm married to the king of the Sea Inklong tribe. We all naturally do. Your name is Ivy here because your mother was named Petunia. It's only right for the nature of your name to follow hers among the flora although you're both a phoenix. All thanks to your land ancestors in the past life." Madra explained which captivated Ivy's thoughts.

"But how is it that I am a twin with Phoenix?" Ivy questioned in her mind.

"That's in another lifetime, my dear. Here, you're destined to be husband and wife with him." Madra replied in mind to her which made Ivy fly on autopilot mode.

Only when Madra shifted in front of her to shield her from knocking into a cliff that she averted her wings to turn to the left with her.

"Pay attention, my dear. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the family." Madra reminded as Ivy tried her best to obey and fly her best till they reached the sea. She realised it was exactly the same place she went to with Jason where they were stoned to death. She felt a little upset at the thought of it.

Madra then landed as she greeted her husband, the king of the Sea Inklong's tribe. Ivy wobbly followed Madra's way of greeting by lowering her head slightly as their feathers bend slowly to the ground. She did not dare to even look at the king's face as her gaze fell onto Avinha who was standing proudly next to the magnanimous dragon king. However, a shimmering hue captured her attention on the king's left and it was the golden dragon incarnation with a glowing ember at the end part of the body.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now