Little Housewife 7: Half plot/New cuckold is online/Finger rape/I like my husban

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Little Housewife 7: Half plot/New cuckold is online/Finger rape/I like my husband so much

[What the writer wants to say:]'s my junior Gongyou~


On the wedding bed, the little ‍‎‌‍man‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ was in darkness and looked to the side helplessly, with marks all over her body, until a "Bang!" sound of the door was heard in her ears.

The body trembled subconsciously.

His husband is gone.

Tears rolled down Yan Yu's eyes, and there was silence in his ears. Did he do something wrong?

Why does my husband start to hate him again...

The little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ couldn’t understand, only tears streaked across the corners of his eyes and dripped on the pillow.

It shows his restless heart.


The next afternoon.

The house was extremely quiet, and the wife, who couldn’t cook, fumbled to find her guide stick, looking tired.

The thin body was shrouded in a large shirt, which was the only husband's clothes that Yan Yu found. He Xiuleng's smell was very special to the restless little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ A strong sense of security.

Pressing the cold door handle, Yan Yu walked out.

This was the first time he went out since marrying He Xiuleng. Unexpectedly, just once, he met a gentleman from the opposite door.

The tired expression of the little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ gave him a desire to protect him. Feeling uneasy, he looked towards the place where the noise came from.

Little did he know that the person opposite was also looking at him.

Xu Gu is a painter, and he is also the person in this world that He Xiuleng will really like in the future. The moment he saw Yan Yu, he smiled.

"Hello." The voice was gentle, "Can I help you?"

A sentence that a normal person would say when meeting a blind person.

The little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ was facing Xu Gu, her eyelashes trembling, as if she realized that the gentleman was talking to her, and lowered her head in panic.

He doesn't have much experience communicating with others.

The little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ was a little afraid of strangers, so she opened her mouth, looked at her with a look of approval, and said in a low voice: "No, it's not necessary..."

He doesn't need anyone's help.

"Are you going downstairs?" Xu Gu pressed the elevator button, not caring about Yan Yu's refusal.


"Let's go together then. First floor?"

The little ‍‎‌‍人‍‌‎wife‌‍‌‎‍ clearly felt the warm-heartedness of the gentleman who lived opposite her home. She had never been talked to by someone so familiarly. I was embarrassed not to answer, so I could only say "hmm" softly again.

Palms are sweaty.

Yan Yu didn't seem to care that much about her husband's inexplicable departure, and was completely occupied by the anxiety of not knowing how to talk to the neighbor.

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