187 - 189

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Chapter 187 Quickly save that poor little campus boy 16

Yanbai looked Chang Yihuan up and down.

"Who do you think you are, that I can unite with others to fire you? Look in the mirror and see if you are worthy?

If I don't like someone, I will avenge you on the spot, and will I keep you until the next night?

For example, I look at you very badly now. If you don't like it, I will tell you directly.

I poured drinks on the guests twice, and served the wrong drinks three times. I laughed to death, so people still tolerated you working for two months?

And you have the nerve to say that you work in a milk tea shop? For two months? You can't even figure out how to mix ingredients. Just

the pile of rubbish you ordered just now, is that something people can drink?

You will be vomiting and having diarrhea after drinking it. Are you going to blackmail other people's milk tea shops? A medical fee? Your heart is so poisonous!"

Wen Ting was surprised to see Yan Bai appear and felt embarrassed for Chang Yihuan.

But seeing Yan Bai's tongue shining like a lotus flower, I actually felt that his aggressive look...

was a bit handsome!

Chang Yihuan's face turned red. He didn't expect that he would meet his true self if he spoke ill of people behind their backs.

Regardless of his ability to do things behind his back, he was really a little frightened when he saw Yan Bai and his gang.

In his last life, he was bullied severely by Erha and Sanha, and now he is still conditioned to be afraid when seeing these two people.

Wen Ting saw that Chang Yihuan's face was really ugly. Just when he was about to stand up to help him, he saw Chang Yihuan's reaction.

He looked at Luo Zhichu with pleading eyes, and his tone was a little soft.

"Luo Zhichu, are you just looking at him talking about me like this?"

Luo Zhichu's world-weary face also looked confused. What's going on? Am I familiar with you?

Everyone looked at Luo Zhichu with unpredictable eyes, and Luo Zhichu was stared at.

"Chang Yihuan, please keep your tongue straight when you speak. Don't be silly. Are we familiar with each other? Why can't I look at others and talk about you? What they said is right!" Chang Yihuan was startled. In his previous life, he was used to

meeting each other. When he was in trouble, he asked Luo Zhichu for help. From the beginning, Luo Zhichu would indeed help him.

But he forgot that the two of them had never had any intersection in this life, but he still couldn't hide the grievance in his heart.

"I think you should be a person with a sense of justice. How could you see them bullying me like this? We..."

He stopped talking at this point.

Luo Zhichu was driven crazy by the way he spoke. This made other people think that there was something going on between the two of them!

Wen Ting was also unpredictable. When did Chang Yihuan become so dependent on Luo Zhichu and act coquettishly towards him?

What Chang Yihuan didn't finish, is there any unspeakable past between the two of them?

Luo Zhichu could only rub his arms that were covered in goosebumps.

"You are wrong. I have always only helped my relatives and not taken care of them. Besides, you don't take any care of me either."

Yan Bai chuckled.

Wen Ting couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and walked towards Chang Yihuan.

"Yihuan, stop making trouble. Your dismissal has nothing to do with anyone. Come with me."

Chang Yihuan was shocked, why is Wen Ting here?

Didn't he notice the way he deliberately made things difficult for the store manager just now?

Chang Yihuan no longer cares about arguing with Yan Bai. The most important thing now is to appease Wen Ting.

He followed Wen Ting out of the milk tea shop obediently, and followed him anxiously to the small garden.

Wen Ting stopped, turned around, and looked at Chang Yihuan calmly. Chang Yihuan was extremely panicked.

He quickly explained:

"Wen Ting, listen to me..."

Wen Ting said:

"Listen to me first, Chang Yihuan, I think we should keep our distance, and don't ask me to drink milk tea again in the future."

Chang Yihuan said no. He looked at Wen Ting with confidence.

"What did you say? What do you mean we will never see each other again?"

Wen Ting sighed.

"As I got to know you better, I found that the first you were completely different from the real you. I can't be friends with you like this. Let's go back to being classmates."

Chang Yihuan forgot that everything in the beginning was nothing. He deliberately created it by imitating the appearance of Yanbai in his previous life.

But as Wen Ting looked at him differently, he neglected and relaxed, and returned to his original self.

Forcibly pretending to be another person is inherently difficult, and it is difficult to persist for a long time.

Wen Ting has always liked people like Yanbai from the previous life!

But how could Chang Yihuan give up so easily? He finally stood in front of the person he had missed for two lifetimes.

He hugged Wen Ting like a dying struggle.

"Wen Ting, didn't you say we are best friends? How can best friends not meet?"

After saying that, he hugged Wen Ting. The sudden touch shocked Wen Ting, and then came The feeling made him a little nauseous.

He never knew that contact with Chang Yihuan would make him so bored. He pushed Chang Yihuan away, strengthening his determination to stay away from him.

"Chang Yihuan, please be sensible. I have to go back beforehand."

Wen Ting's disgust could not be concealed.

Chang Yihuan felt that her self-esteem had been severely trampled on, and she cried bitterly as she watched Wen Ting walk away.

He is a son of luck who has the ability to be reborn!

Why is everything messed up?

It's all Yan Bai who is a pest, nothing good will happen when you meet him.

How could Chang Yihuan be willing to be strangers to Wen Ting from now on? After that, Wen Ting was constantly pestering him, and Wen Ting finally went through the procedures to go abroad and decided to study abroad.

Before leaving, he discovered that the person he couldn't let go of the most was Yan Bai, who was wanton and flamboyant and inconsistent with his aesthetics.

On this day, he came to school to complete the final procedures, and after finishing the work, he walked to the playground by accident.

He knew that at this time, Yan Bai liked to sit on the grass in the playground with those people and bask in the sun.

Sometimes he would lie on the ground without any image, without any posture, but he was inexplicably attractive.

Sure enough, he found that person.

Yan Bai lay on the grass, blocking the dazzling sunlight with his hands, feeling lazy and casual.

The sun shines on his bright collarbone, making it dazzlingly white.

Wen Ting walked over by mistake.

Yan Bai felt a shadow above his head. He looked up and saw Wen Ting.

Wen Ting said warmly:

"Yan Bai, can I have a few words with you alone?"

Yan Bai sat up impatiently. Luo Zhichu next to him was inexplicably bothered by the word "alone" and stared at Wen Ting, filled with excitement. hostility.

Yan Bai sat up and looked up at him. He had always disliked the male protagonists of various small worlds. Although Wen Ting didn't offend him in this world, he couldn't like him either.

He casually picked up a piece of weed and slapped it on the ground.

"Just tell me what you have to say. It's not a state secret. Why do you do it alone?"

Wen Ting always felt that he was standing and Yan Bai was sitting. This posture was indescribably awkward.

He simply sat down. Mr. Wen was always dignified and elegant, but this was the first time he chatted with others in such an informal manner. Chan Feng

Wen Ting was a little bit embarrassed. He actually didn't think about what he was going to say, but he knew that if he didn't say it, he would be very unhappy when he left tomorrow. He simply decided to let it go.

"Yan Bai, I will go abroad to study tomorrow. Can you give me your contact information? Can I pursue you? If you are willing, I can take you abroad with me."

[BL] The Villain is Extremely Coaxing, and The Host is Carried Away AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora