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Chapter 262 Extra: Hassan and his Crystal Boy 10

Hassan and Grandpa Lan Zhou are sitting in the living room.

Mr. Lan is very well-educated. When he knew Hassan's identity, he understood why he had not been able to find Lan Zhou during this period.

How can the whereabouts and security measures of a prince of a country be easily spied on?

But Lan Zhou would actually be taken to China by him, and Mr. Lan was also a little angry.

But fortunately, he was brought to the country of Hua, which has a strong foundation and wide connections, so he finally found the whereabouts of his grandson.

Even if he knew the identity of Prince Hassan, Mr. Lan actually felt that what the other party did was not honest.

"It is really troublesome for the prince to take care of Lan Zhou during this period. I will take him back today. As for the expenses he incurred during this period, I will write a check later."

Hassan smiled.

"I regard Lan Zhou as a close friend, and I can't talk about the cost.

But you want to take him back, and I'm sorry that I can't agree to it for the time being."

Mr. Lan couldn't hold back his anger for a moment.

"Why, does the prince have the right to detain people without reason just because he is the king of Morocco?"

Hassan smiled gently.

"Don't be angry, just listen to what I have to say. What I say has nothing to do with my identity, but out of consideration for Lan Zhou's personal safety.

Why is Lan Zhou missing? Let me show you something first."

He With a wave, someone behind him took out a computer, and Hassan called up the video of Lan Zhou being separated from his bodyguards in that chaotic neighborhood.

Mr. Lan watched intently. This was the truth he had been searching for but had no clues.

He is able to develop the Lan family's business empire based on its original foundation, so he is naturally an extremely sharp and intelligent person.

Even though the bodyguard deliberately pretended to be accidentally separated, he still saw the clues.

Mr. Lan's face was terrifyingly gloomy. He really didn't expect that such a moth appeared in his family, and he actually dared to use such methods against the next heir of the Lan family!

Hassan looked at his face.

"I think Mr. Lan has also discovered what the problem is. This is why I have decided not to let Lan Zhou go back for the time being.

If something happens to Lan Zhou in my country, I am also responsible. I must ensure that Lan Zhou's future It's safe."

Mr. Lan...

The truth is such a truth, and the words are beautiful, but are you, a dignified prince, too lenient?

But it was indeed something wrong with his own family that caused Lan Zhou's accident. At this time, he really didn't know how to refute.

People also have good intentions, right?

"There is a thief in our Lan family. It is indeed due to my poor supervision. I will investigate this matter thoroughly and will never put Lan Zhou in danger again.

I will take him back and send double the number of people to protect him."

Hassan Shake his head.

"Mr. Lan, you should also be a man who has experienced many hardships. If there is no one in charge of the bodyguard, why would you do such a thing that is harmful to others and not beneficial to yourself?

Before these secrets behind the scenes are thoroughly investigated, the Lan family is very important to Lan Zhou. The most dangerous place, do you really have the heart to let him go back and take risks?"

Mr. Lan frowned, feeling extremely conflicted.

No one wants something to happen to Lan Zhou more than he does. The hope for the Lan family to thrive for another fifty years lies with Lan Zhou. No one in the family can surpass him.

However, this Hassan always made him feel a little uneasy. He instinctively felt that it was never a good idea to put Lan Zhou here, and something might happen that he never wanted to see.

This emotion came for no reason and had no basis, but he felt this way.

"I can put him in a separate building and temporarily isolate everyone from contact with him. I want him to be safe more than anyone else."

Hassan smiled gently.

"You are not sure how long it will take to find out the truth, so how long will you isolate him from the crowd?

Is that fair to him?

In addition, I would like to ask again, you want him back so much because you need him. Or do you think he will be happier if he goes back?"

Grandpa Lan Zhou was stunned, what kind of problem is this? How could Lan Zhou be unhappy with his family?

Hassan's words were not over yet.

"Have you never thought about this question? As an independent person, do you understand Lan Zhou's preferences?"

Grandpa Lan Zhou has a lot of say in this matter.

"Of course I know my own grandson. He likes expensive gems. I gave him a lot of gems, which are expensive."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Hassan's eyes, but he concealed it well.

"Lan Zhou really likes shiny stones, not because of their high price, but because he wants to observe the colorful patterns on the stones.

But you gave him the most flawless expensive stones. Maybe in his heart, those are as valuable as a house. The gems in the house are not as good as a piece of Yuhua stone on the roadside."

Mr. Lan was completely stunned. He thought Lan Zhou liked the price of gems, but wasn't he?

Hassan looked at his expression and continued:

"He came out this time and placed a few of his favorite stones close to his body. None of them were expensive.

I know that as an elder, you love him very much and may want to give him the best." Everything, but in fact you never know him, how can you give him the love he needs most?

You don't even know what he likes. What you give, what you think is best, may not be what he needs.

Your love Maybe it became Lan Zhou's shackles."

Hassan held back these words for a long time, maybe they were a little too much. After all, he felt a little unfair for Lan Zhou.

Mr. Lan couldn't accept this argument at all. His voice lost its calmness and gentlemanliness and became a bit sharp.

"How is it possible? I want him to be the heir of the family. This is what I value most about him. I have raised him by my side since he was a child, and I have given him the best in everything."

"You want him to be the heir of the family. What on earth is going on? For the family to continue to prosper, or because Lan Zhou likes this career and wants to carry it forward?"

Mr. Lan was stunned again, and after a while he said:

"This is the obligation he should bear as a member of the Lan family, and it is also the responsibility he should bear. He has enjoyed everything the Lan family has given him, and he should naturally use his own strength to repay it."

Hassan felt very uncomfortable inside. There are some truths in the world that seem very reasonable, but there are always things that go against human nature, and Ha Sang Sang couldn't accept Lan Zhou going against his own wishes to cater to the so-called truth.

"If you want to make your family prosperous, there are many ways, and it doesn't necessarily have to be Lan Zhou.

I can help you. I just want to make him happy for the rest of his life.

As far as I know about Lan Zhou, he is just a simple and naive person. He can look at a cat or a stone all day long and be happy all day long.

But he will never be happy for a second just because he made 100 million."

Grandpa Lan Zhou frowned.

"Prince Hassan, you have exceeded the rules! In what capacity can you exchange for his happiness for the rest of his life? You take this for granted. It is impossible for Lan Zhou not to like doing business, he is so good at it! If you don't let him go, are you trying to take advantage of him? Ability?"

Apart from this, Grandpa Lan Zhou really couldn't think of any other reason.

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