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Chapter 268 Extra: Hassan and his Crystal Boy 16

Hassan took out a badge with the Moroccan royal seal from his arms and placed it in front of Mr. Lan.

"I am willing to cooperate with Lan's in depth from today on. Whenever you ask someone to come with this badge and negotiate with any company under my name or myself, I can cooperate with you at an absolutely advantageous price.

I detected a very rich oil mine in the waters of Cape Gill, with an estimated storage capacity of at least three billion barrels.

This is definitely a treasure, but the terrain is a bit complicated and mining is also difficult. I know that Lan's mechanical equipment In terms of manufacturing, I have a profound foundation. I am willing to cooperate with Lan to develop this oil field."

Mr. Lan opened his eyes in disbelief. Everyone knows that the oil field is a profitable business. Hassan is sending money out, and it is a big business. Send a lot of them.

The so-called technical difficulty may exist, but Hassan can solve this problem at a very small cost through technical bidding. There is no need to cooperate with others to develop it. That is three billion barrels!

With a wealth of hundreds of billions, even if he only holds 10% of the shares, it will be enough for his family to last for a hundred years.

Mr. Lan was panicked. Smashing such a big pie usually meant that he had something of great value that the other party wanted.

But Mr. Lan really didn't expect that there was anything on his side that Hassan could take notice of?

"Prince Hassan, I am very grateful for your attention, but let's be honest. I don't have anything that I can exchange for such a huge benefit. What do you want?"

Hassan looked very calm. Looked at Mr. Lan sincerely.

"What I want is very simple. I just want Lan Zhou to be healthy for the rest of his life, and you can give up making him his heir."

Mr. Lan immediately looked solemn and wanted to refute.

Hassan put out his hand to stop him.

"I know that you think he is the best candidate to succeed you. You have spent a lot of effort on him and you can't bear to waste all your efforts. I understand it very well.

But as an outsider, maybe my perspective can give you some different inspiration. Let me first Tell me, if you have different opinions, we can discuss it.

You must have discovered that since you chose Lan Zhou as your successor, he has faced a storm more severe than any other succession battle.

Have you ever thought about what this is? Reason?"

Mr. Lan paused. He was not unaware, but he deliberately ignored it, thinking that these were all problems that could be solved.

Hassan looked at his expression and knew that he knew what he was thinking. He smiled and continued:

"Lan Zhou is too young. He is only twenty years old this year. If he is healthy, he will be the head of the family for at least forty years. This is Hasn't he been in power longer than any other heir?

He has suppressed the competition for inheritance rights for two generations at once.

I know that you insist on making him the heir, mainly because of his talent.

Lan Zhou is indeed excellent, but If a tree is as beautiful as the forest, the wind will destroy it.

Sometimes the best does not mean the most suitable.

I think there must be many outstanding talents in the Lan family. Although they may not be as strong as Lan Zhou, they can definitely lead Lan The family will go well and steadily.

Isn't there a truth in ancient China called "the golden mean"?

Only when the Lan family is internally peaceful and stable will it be more conducive to the development of the family.

The turmoil that Lan Zhou is facing now just represents his emergence. It has not made this family more united and stable. Although he has strong personal abilities, do you think he is the best person to lead this family forward?"

Mr. Lan was shocked in his heart. He did not understand that Hassan, a foreigner, is How can one understand the "gold mean" of Confucianism and still have his own understanding of it?

Mr. Lan was shocked. He had stubbornly believed that a family heir should be the most capable person, but he ignored that the cohesion of the heir was also very important.

Does he want to see Lan's family fall apart? Tonight's assassination has represented three forces, and these three forces are all members of his own family, not counting Lan Zhou's brother and father who he has driven away.

How many more people do you want to see target Lan Zhou?

If these people find out and deal with it all by themselves, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the Lan family.

Mr. Lan suddenly felt a little decadent. It turned out that he had been thinking wrong all these years!

Lan Zhou is almost the only one in the family who doesn't want to be the heir. It's not that he doesn't know it. He agrees entirely out of respect for his grandfather.

Hassan had been paying attention to Mr. Lan's mood. Seeing that he seemed to have figured out something, he continued:

"Lan Zhou is not suitable to be the heir. It may not be that he cannot contribute to the family. As a member of the Lan family, he may change his identity, but Can bring out his greatest value.

Hasn't he used his personal charm to find me as a partner for Lan?

I think the oil field project can also make up for some of the losses caused by Lan Zhou not being able to be the heir."

Mr. Lan The husband raised his head and looked at Hassan with complicated eyes.

"You value Lan Zhou as a friend and are willing to take care of him to this extent. I am very grateful for him, but you really don't have to go to this extent.

The profits from the oil field are too great, and Lan cannot accept such a huge benefit from you for no reason. .

As for Lan Zhou...

after your reminder, it may be more beneficial for Lan's family as a whole if he changes his identity. Don't worry, I don't need you to give up the profits from the oil field. I will also make other arrangements for Lan Zhou's future."

Hassan Jiujiu The hanging heart finally fell into place,

"I am willing to separate a part of the oil field's mining rights, not just to give away benefits. The terrain there is complex and it is very difficult to mine. I really need Lan's help.

I will let the project staff explain the specifics . I'll give you the information for your review. After reading it, you can decide whether to cooperate with me, okay?"

Mr. Lan hesitated for a moment, then pushed the business out, but he didn't know how to flatter me.

"Thank you, Prince Hassan, for thinking about the Lan family. I will weigh it carefully."

Hassan nodded and smiled happily.

"As for Lan Zhou, he is currently at the cusp of the storm. It is not suitable for him to still haunt the Lan family, and it also makes everyone uneasy.

Can I take him away first and live in Rabat for a while?"

Mr. Lan paused slightly. What happened to Lan Zhou today, he really didn't dare to boast in front of Hassan that he could protect Lan Zhou.

Moreover, since it has been decided not to let Lan Zhou be the heir, it is also very important to appease people's hearts and make follow-up arrangements. He will be busy for a while, so it is okay for Lan Zhou to leave during this time.

"Call Lan Zhou down and ask. If he is willing to go, I will naturally agree."

Someone called Lan Zhou down from the room. Lan Zhou was still holding the small box. He said hello to Mr. Lan first and sat down with Hassan. around.

He said to Hassan with crooked eyebrows:

"I like the gift you gave me very much."

Hassan smiled and said nothing. Mr. Lan couldn't help but feel a toothache when he saw where he was sitting. His grandson is too old to stay with him, and he compares himself to outsiders. Still close to myself.

Hey, Bu Zhongliu? Why did you think of this word?

Mr. Lan shook his head and shook away the messy thoughts in his head, and asked Lan Zhou.

"Lan Zhou, grandpa asks you, if grandpa doesn't let you be the heir, do you agree?"

A bright light flashed in Lan Zhou's eyes, as bright as a gem, and he nodded hurriedly.


Mr. Lan...

How undesirable is this position of heir?

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