139 - 141

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Chapter 139 The heroine with the soul-capturing mirror 10

Fortunately, the Immortal Emperor is with him, but what if one day the Immortal Emperor is as confused as himself? Tired of it? Will he change his favor? After all, he is so good.

The more Yan Bai thought about it, the more confused and confused he became. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was of facing the Immortal Emperor's tenderness towards him. He fell into a strange circle and couldn't get out.

Later, he was inexplicably sent to the small world by the Immortal Emperor, and he had been angry with him for a long time. Now he understands the Immortal Emperor's careful intentions.

No wonder he would feel a familiar aura from every villain in the small world, which made him sink instantly, making him inexplicably like and be moved by it. It turned out that they were all Shi Yu!

What a fool. Did he think he was tired of him and wanted to change his appearance to give him a sense of novelty?

What I am tired of is not him, but the same life!

But he was willing to put so much thought into himself, which made Yan Bai a little happy.

The Nine-Tailed Fox wrote a small report directly to the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm about the suspected violation of regulations by the Immortal in the Small World.

Shiyu was holding Feishu and looking at it carefully.

After reading it, he frowned slightly and immediately called for the bookkeeper.

The director had a guilty conscience, and he knew exactly what he had done.

The Immortal Emperor didn't say anything, and just looked at him coldly, but his calm and intimidating attitude made the director sweat continuously on his forehead.

After a while, a cold and indifferent voice came.

"You still have a chance to say it now."

The director instantly understood the meaning of the Immortal Emperor's words. There is still a chance to say it now. If you don't say it, you will not even have the chance in the future.

The manager knelt down with a "plop", and like pouring beans from the bamboo tube, he confessed everything about being bribed by Shanglixuannu, including the fact that she brought the "soul-capturing mirror" to the lower world.

The Immortal Emperor said softly:

"Will you be convinced that I will remove you from the position of the bookkeeper and give you a hundred lashes?"

The bookkeeper breathed a sigh of relief as if he was exhausted. At least he had a life left.

"Be convinced."

After the palm book left, the Immortal Emperor thought about the past thousands of years.

Thousands of years ago, Yan Bai became tired of everything.

Shi Yu understood that it was not that Yan Bai didn't love him, it was just that he had an out-of-touch personality and always liked new things. The life that had lasted for thousands of years could no longer give him a sense of freshness, and his whole person seemed lifeless.

Shiyu then worked hard to create three thousand small worlds.

Part of it is open to all immortals for training, and part of it is an exclusive small world he specially created for Yan Bai.

He also transformed his greed, anger, ignorance, desire, jealousy, fear, pride... into different avatars and integrated them into this small world.

No one knows that the list of small worlds held by the nine-tailed fox is the small world that contains his clone.

And these small worlds, before Yan Bai left, were in a frozen state, just waiting for Yan Bai to open them.

He is confident that even if he has no memory, even if Yanbai doesn't know it is him, the two people will still meet, fall in love and stay together.

Didn't the memories of these small world clones recovered from him prove everything?

During the days when he was not accompanied by Yan Bai in the fairyland, he relied on the memories of these clones to relive his love with Yan Bai again and again!

He didn't want Yanbai to know that it was him. If he knew the story with a destined ending, it wouldn't be new. Would Yanbai be tired again?

Yan Bai is the person he loves most, and he wants to give him the best and let him live the happiest life.

Yan Bai is too young. The Immortal Emperor has lived for tens of millions of years and been lonely for tens of millions of years before he met Yan Bai.

And Yan Bai, a child who is only 20,000 years old, has the vigor and restlessness of young people. He completely understands that he is willing to give Yan Bai the time and conditions to grow up.

When one day he settles down enough to experience the beauty in ordinary life, and can calm down and watch the endless years with him, then the two of them will have a long future.

This is Yan Bai's practice, and this is also his own practice.

The Immortal Emperor re-appointed a trustworthy person as the new director, and then disappeared into the small world.

At that time, Yan Bai was chewing breakfast taken out of the incubator, chatting to the nine-tailed fox while eating.

"Why are you saying that Shi Yu is so sultry? He has followed me in so many small worlds and yet he still doesn't reveal his identity..."

The nine-tailed fox was yawning nearby, dealing with the demon lord's complaints, when he suddenly saw The shadow of the Immortal Emperor.

The nine-tailed fox immediately stood upright in shock. The Immortal Emperor raised his index finger to his lips and made a silencing gesture towards him.

The nine-tailed fox did not dare to move. Yan Bai was unaware of the arrival of the Immortal Emperor, who deliberately blocked him.

The Immortal Emperor approached Yan Bai and raised his hand to gently caress Yan Bai's squirming cheek. The fondness in his eyes could not be concealed.

Looking at Yan Bai greedily, he said to the nine-tailed fox,

"I will take away his memory of thinking that the villain is my clone, and you won't let him discover this secret in the future."

The nine-tailed fox did not dare to say anything and could only nod . Agree, but be careful not to be discovered by the Demon Lord.

I silently complained in my heart, these two couples have so many tricks, what an annoying love!

Wouldn't it be better to just have a kidney with the little immortal servants like you did?

The Immortal Emperor continued to speak,

"The heroine is the Supreme Spirit Xuannv. She possesses a soul-capturing mirror. This is the calamity that Yan Bai needs to overcome. I will not stop her, but if she deliberately seeks death, you do not have to show mercy. Her death We won't let the small world collapse because she broke the rules first."

The nine-tailed fox blurted out with some excitement:

"That's it!"

Yan Bai turned to look at him,

"Why are you so crazy?"

The Immortal Emperor glared at Jiu Tai. The tail fox glanced and waved his hand to take away a memory from Yan Bai's mind. Then like a breeze, he kissed Yan Bai's oily mouth and disappeared.

Yan Bai was startled and stroked his lips gently. He always felt that there was something extremely important in his mind that he had ignored.

He asked the nine-tailed fox,

"What did I just say?"

"Uh... I was just recalling the tricks I played with the little fairy, and I was distracted and didn't pay attention!"

Yan Bai rolled his eyes,

"You must be a bit promising, too. Thinking about these things every day is unhealthy. Let me gossip, are you the one on top or the one on the bottom?"

The nine-tailed fox puffed up its chest,

"Then I must be the one on top!"

Yan Bai sneered lightly, not really believing it,

"You are so mean. Sooner or later, someone will take care of you, be careful!"

The nine-tailed fox suddenly felt the wind blowing down his butt, and couldn't help but pick up his big furry tail,

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, you should just worry about yourself, you I've never been up there even once!"

Yan Bai...

is this naughty fox going to make a big splash?

Seeing that Yan Bai was about to fall out, the nine-tailed fox hurriedly said:

"Lord Demon Lord, don't forget that you are still a student and don't have a penny in your account. There is a campus job fair this afternoon. You'd better make money quickly!"

Yan Bai finished the last bite of bread and said,

"Let's go Let's see how we can make a lot of money. Once we have money, we'll leave this indifferent villain and go find little Shou Shou."

The nine-tailed fox held his forehead, helpless, how could you still escape from the Immortal Emperor's Wuzhi Mountain?

"Lord Demon Lord, our mission is to eliminate the villain's darkening value, not to fall in love!"


Yan Bai will never admit that he forgot!

"Uh...by the way."

[BL] The Villain is Extremely Coaxing, and The Host is Carried Away Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें