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Hours of pushing but also hours of thinking. Throughout my pushing of my beloved baby girl out, all I did was think. Think about my happiness with my little family with Jake and the new beginning of my mother being a grandmother now and my grandmother becoming a great-grandmother. 

Time flew by so fast that I didn't even realize that I was scheduled to give birth in a week until my water broke letting me know to give birth to my baby girl a week early.  Through the pain of pushing my baby out, I had my mom there with me along with Jake because if I didn't then I don't know what I would do. Through the pain, I thought about some happy times I have had in my and Jake's one year of being together and the many years we have to come. 

In the coming years we have coming, I know that everything will end up how it's supposed to be. Every time I think about something happy, I try and make it come true. I know that Jake will be an amazing father. I only thought about maybe six things but then again, every time I did, I couldn't think clearly because I was in pain and soon after, I heard my baby girl's cries. 

1. I thought about this often even before I went into labor and had my baby girl. I thought about the amazing possibilities Jake and I can have with our small family that will slowly grow a bit bigger in a few short years. I have thought about this the most and I can say that I only imagined the bad things happening instead of the good.

2. I started to think about the good things that can happen instead of all of the bad things. I guess I was just so stressed and I didn't see Jake and I's relationship going too well and we ended up going our separate ways and having custody of our kids. He would be able to see them every weekend that way they can be in school Monday-Friday. Yeah, you read that right. Don't ask me why I thought like that but I just did.

3. I am not sure if there are cons or pros to these thoughts of mine but I hope to find out soon. I think that there may be some pros and cons to things that I have thought about but I just need to find them first before I start thinking about them.

As I mentioned, I had about six thoughts that came to mind but I just couldn't focus on all of them because I was in pain. To be honest, I think I was more focused on just getting my baby girl out of so I could finally hold her in my arms. 

Throughout the entire birth of my baby girl, Jake looked ready to pass out due to the amount of blood and other things that came out while I was pushing. I laughed slightly but just kept pushing until she was out. It took about three small pushes and two big pushes as they call it. 


6 years later

It has been six years since the birth of my baby girl, Amiah Hunter. It was Jake's idea to name her that and I didn't argue because it is a lovely name and it fits her so well. She is six years old now and has a younger brother, Isaiah Hunter. 

If you guessed it already, Jake proposed to me a year after we had our baby girl and proved all of my doubts wrong. All of my worries about everything vanished after that. I was also able to get someone to look after the bakery and decided to become a full-time mom. 

 I know that I still have to check up on the bakery from time to time and I will, but I want to spend time with my little family and wait for them to get bigger before I can open up another one in the future. 

I think I made a great start in life after graduating high school to live the way I want. My mom and everyone else are doing pretty well and the twins are now almost seven years old. When the twins were born, Elijah was so happy to hold them at his young age but he was so gentle with them in a way I hadn't seen before. 

He did the same thing when Amiah was born. He held her with so much care and kissed her on her head. It was the cutest thing to see and now we have a picture of it hanging on our wall. Aunt Thea took the photo and made a copy for all of us to have. 

As for my grandmother, she is doing pretty well as well and I am happy that she and my mother are finally getting along with each other after all of the bad blood between them. I forgave her for what she did and she forgave me for slapping her one too many times. 

This is the happy ending that I was expecting and the happy ending that I got. I am so happy to be with the people that I love and the people that love me.


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