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Jake POV

As I wake up, the sun is shining brighly through my window. You can hear the sweet sounds of the birds chirping their morning songs, and I take that as my cue to get up out of bed and go shower. As I'm showering, I can't help but think about the girl I fell for, I really need to ask her name next time I see her. Oh, I think today should be the perfect day to do that, if she's there. I get out of the shower, get dressed, spray some of my finest cologne, go downstairs, grab my keys from by the door, head out, and drive off. Ten minutes later, I arrived at the sunset bakery. As soon as I got out of my car, I noticed that nobody was in there, at the same time, another car pulled up, and out came the girl I fell for.
As she gets out of her car, she spots me. She looks at me and freezes in place. I wave to her to get her attention, and luckily, I do. She comes up, unlocks the door, and lets me in. I can't help but admire her while she's turning on all the lights, starting up all the coffee machines, and starting to bake my most favorite of her deserts, banana bread.
After she is done doing all that is needed, she goes up to the counter and takes my order.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" she asks.

"Can I get two pieces of your banana bread regular and a hot cup of coffee to go, please?" I reply.

"Alright, so I have two pieces of banana bread and one hot coffee to go. Would you like any creamers or sugars." Sje asks as she repeats my order.

"Yes, please, I would love five cream and five sugars." I say.

"Alright, I'll have the right out to you in about 15 minutes." She says.

"That's perfect, thank you. Oh, also, may I ask your name." I ask.

"Haha, yes, my name is Alexandrea, but you can call me Alexa." She says.

"Wow, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." I say as she blushes, which is the most cutest thing ever.

"Oh, why thank you, may I ask yours." She asks.

"Of course, I'm jacob, but you can call me jake." I say.

"Well then, jake, I'll have your order right out to you then." She tells me.

There was something about they way she said my name that made me fall even more for her. She has a beautiful name, and I can see why she was named that. She is fucking stunning. Now that I have her name, I will give it some time to ask her out on a date.


Alexa POV

As I pull up to the bakery, I can see him standing there, waiting for it to open up. As soon as he hears me pull up, he looks in my direction. I pretend not to notice until I'm out of the car and we make eye contact. At that moment, I freeze as my knees go weak at the sight of him. He's dressed in a tight black shirt that shows off his mucsles and his six packs and some tight jeans that show off his god-like legs, and that just makes my knees go weaker.

As if sensing all of that, he waves to me and catches my attention. I take a deep breath, calm myself down, and start walking towards him to unlock the doors of the bakery. As I do that, I let him inside, turn on all the lights, go behind the counter, start up all the coffee machines, and start baking some banana bread.

As soon as I finished that, i took his order, and he asked my name. I tell him it and I learn that his is jake. A cute name for a handsome man. As soon as the oven timer goes off, I head to it and take out the banana bread, let it cool down a bit while I make his coffee before cutting it. When I get done cutting it, I take two slices and put them each in a separate little bag and take it to him with his coffee.

As I'm walking away, Aria shows up to begin the next step of the baking, which is making the lemon, blueberry, and strawberry banana breads. While those are baking, she comes up and makes small talk.

"I noticed He's always almost here, and whenever he is, he's always looking you, and you're always looking at him. To me, it seems like you guys like each other." She says.

"I mean, I like him, I do, but I don't know if he likes me back. When he came this morning, he asked for my name." I tell her..
"Ooh girl, that means he likes you. Did he give you his name?" She asks.

"Haha, he did, and his name is jake." I tell her.

"Ooh, that's a nice name, but since tristen just got here, I think we need to get to work before more customers get here, boss." She says.

"Haha, you don't have to call me boss." I tell her.

"Oh, I know, I was just playing." She says.

"Oh okay, well then, let's get to work, shall we." I say.

Time lapse later that day

As the day ends, we all clean our stations for the day and head home. I get in my car and drive off towards the house. When I pull up, my mom is sitting on the front steps, and I can't help but wonder why.

"Hey mom, why are you sitting on the steps? Is everything okay." I ask.

"Oh yea, everything is fine, I'm just waiting on Aunt Thea. Her and Uncle ben had a small fight, so she's coming over here to hang out a little bit." She tells me.

"Oh okay, well I'm gonna head upstairs to shower, but I hope everything is okay, I'll come see her later." I tell her as I walk away, and she doesn't reply.

Later that evening

I walk downstairs, and I immediately see Aunt Thea.

"Hey, Aunt Thea, mom told me what happened, is everything okay, are you and the baby okay." I ask.

"Hey kiddo, yea, everything is okay, we just had a small argument, is all, the baby is fine as well, thank you for asking." She says.

"Always." I say back.

I head back upstairs and retire for the night. Again, I fall into a peaceful slumber as I think about jake.


Bonus part
She dreams about jake, and jake dreams about her. In that dream, they are dating. Will he ask her out in real life, and will she say yes? Find out out in 2 more chapters.
Next chapter update, recipe chapter for the 3 or 4 banana breads mentioned.

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