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Uncle Ben's POV (first and might be last).

Last night was a magical experience for me because not only did I find out my baby's gender, but his name as well and I was so happy to know that they named him after my father and I. Thea and I got home pretty late last night, and when we did, she was all over me. She blamed it on the pregnancy hormones like always, but I couldn't care less because I loved it when she was like that. We did end up having a hot steamy night and followed it throughout the morning with being extra careful with her baby bump.
It is currently three in the afternoon, and since Thea is still sleeping, I thought I would wake her up with some lunch in bed. As I am making her some food, I hear a scream. I turn off the stove and bolt upstairs to our bedroom. Once I am in, Thea is relaxing on the bed wide awake as I turn to the T.V. only to see her watching a scary movie. I look back to her, and she's just smiling at me while trying to surpress a laugh. She eventually fails as she falls on her back and begins laughing like no tomorrow.
"Haha, very funny, you had me worried, I thought something happened to you for goddess sake." I get mad and annoyed, but I don't yell.
"Well, I am sorry, but I did it because I wanted you up here." She says, wiggling her eyebrows. I know all too well what that look means. She wants more adult time.
"No, Thea, we can't. We did that all night and into the early morning this morning. You need to eat and get some sleep."
"But I'm not tired, hungry, yes, but not tired. Plus, I want you really bad right now." She argues with me.
"I stand by what I said, Thea. Not today nor tomorrow. You need to rest. you're almost seven months. I don't want you going into labor early because of our actions." I say as she folds her arms with a defeated sigh.
Alexa POV
I get to the bakery and see that everyone is there. Aria is taking care of all the manager stuff, like making sure everything is clean and organized, making schedules for everyone, while Tristan is showing some new hires around, teaching them how to do most things. I had asked them to do this because all this week, I have been getting emails and / or regular mail containing letters from other bakeries requesting my help.
I went in and headed straight for the office so I could email some of the other bakeries back to let them know that I would be there along with my mom and Aunt Thea. Jake had offered to go along to make sure I'm safe, but I told him to worry about his work for now because I know it is stressing him out. Dealing with a fashion company and fashion shows has complexities that bakeries do not, plus it's even harder to come up with new designs than it is to come up with new recipes. Others may not think so, but I do.
Anyway, as I am emailing one of the bakeries back, when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say, and I see that Tristen comes in looking mad, horrified, and some other emotions I can't place my finger on.
"Do you have a moment?" He asks
"Yes, what's up."
"Okay, so I was working diligently, quietly, and all of a sudden, this girl comes in, and she just starts yelling and breaking our stuff. I go up to her to try and calm her down, but she slaps me in the face. She then tried to attack Aria and our other employees, but Jake got a hold of her and locked her in the board room." He says out of breath.
"Wait, did you say Jake. He's here, and he locked the girl in the board room?"
"Yes, but before he could, she kept shouting that you were lying about the whole James situation and that James and Jake both belong to her."
"Oh my god, I know who it is, tell everyone I will be out there to handle it in about a minute, and for Jake to take her out of the board room." I say, and he does exactly that.
I walk out of my office to see everything shattered, most of my employees huddled together in a corner scared, Tristen and Aria tending to each other's injuries, love written all over their faces and Jake holding a Helena back from breaking everything else. As I come into her sight, she just starts cursing me out and slaps me in the face as soon as I get close.
"Well, if it isn't the infamous bitch that put James in jail for five years without bail. How'd you do it huh, did you edit the video of him doing that stuff to you so you can hide the fact that your a slut." She accuses me.
"Ouch, I'm sad you think I would stoop to your level of evilness. I am not you Helena, but you know what, while we're on the subject of blaming each other or making each other feel bad, I might as well give in because I have been waiting years for this."
"Waiting for what, for me to make you feel bad about yourself?"
"No, this." I say as I slap her across the face twice. She goes to try and slap me again but this time I catch her hand and say "if I were you, I'd watch myself before I let all my pent up anger out on you and I release the video of you coming in here for no reason breaking all my shit just because you think that I will steal James away from you and because you think Jake is yours as well."
"That's because Jake is mine." She yells
"Ha, and who told you that. The delusional women you call friends. Well news flash honey, in case you didn't know, Jake is mine, he is my boyfriend, and my future husband. Oh and if you must know, the footage from the cameras cannot be modified or changed in anyway. So I suggest you back the fuck up, off my man and pay for the damage you've done before I have Aria leek the footage of you going crazy over a man." I threaten
"Your fucking stupid, I can't pay for this shit. All this is at least five to ten thousand dollars to fix." She complains.
"Well then, you should of thought about that before throwing your little girl tantrum and started breaking my shit, but don't worry, I will get it fixed but not before taking your whore ass to court, bitch." And just like that, she storms out in another fit of rage, gets in her car and drives off.
Jake POV
After Alexa dealt with the Helena situation, she had her employees all clock out and take a two week break with a compensation pay so she can fix up everything in the bakery. I had to admit that I loved seeing Alexa mad. Not only was she ruthless while saying everything, but it just made her way more beautiful than ever before. When she said that I would be her future husband, I was over joyed because of that but mainly by the fact that I'm going to get to sleep next to her and wake up next to her everyday in the future. With that idea in mind, I head back to the company while she heads home so everything can all be fixed.
If Alexa had said no when I asked her out, I would have tried once more before leaving her alone because I'm not the type of guy to force a girl into something she doesn't want, but I am super glad she said yes and I am super glad she will let the world know that I am hers when she releases the footage of Helena breaking everything in court. Honestly, Helena had it coming for acting like an imature school girl. Alexa already had alot of witnesses and proof so I won't need to wish her luck, but Helena on the other, I might but I'm not.
I'm pretty sure she's gonna get sentenced to prison for a year or two for vandalism. I hope she does so Alexa and I can just focus on our relationship without any interruptions.

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