They Are Here

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Aphrodite POV
My mom came a bit early with Adelaide and told us to get ready so we could meet my brothers. Apparently, there are three of them, and out of the three, there is a set of twins.
When we all get back downstairs from getting ready, there is knocking on the door. Adelaide goes to answer it, and we are met with the two boys who look identical first while the third one walks up the stairs.
I am a bit nervous because I have no clue what my mother has told them about me over the years, but Adelaide reassured me that they believe anything and everything. So, without thinking, I walk up behind Adelaide and start talking.
"Hello, you must be the boys our mot- I mean Caroline and Adelaide were talking about." I say, catching myself before I say the word 'mother'.
"Yes, I supposes we are, may we come in, or are you going to keep us waiting here." The boy by the stairs says.
"Andrew, that is not how you talk to this nice women, say sorry right now." My mother demands.
"Sorry." He mocks and rolls his eyes. I do assume that he is older than the twins by the way he is acting. In all honesty, he reminds me of myself when I was his age. He looks to be around fourteen.
"Yes, sorry, you may come in and make yourselves at home. Caroline, would you and Adelaide please explain the whole situation here and why they had to come this far out. I would help but I can't given my situation." I say as I give them a look.
"Yes dear, we can. You just go rest up, and we will call you down when we are ready to do the introductions." She says as I nod and go upstairs.
Time lapse 2 hours later
"Aphrodite, please come downstairs. It's time for the introductions." My mother yells from downstairs.
"I'm coming, give me about two minutes please and thank you." I holler back, scrambling to my feet and getting dressed.
I hurry downstairs and stand next to Adleaide.
"Alright, boys, so this is our older sister Aphrodite!" Adelaide introduces us.
"Hey guys, yes, so now you know the whole truth, and I am mothers first born. Nice to meet you." I say as I look at Andrew, who has a displeasing look on his face.
"If she is our older sister, then why wasn't she ever around?" He questions.
"Andrew, I don't have time for your drama, I already told you the whole story and how it all went down." Cafoline deadpans.
"Fine, but why did you lie to us then. I wouldn't have been acting like this in front of my older sister if you had just told us the truth in the first place. Oh, and let's not forget how Oliver and Khai feel. Knowing them, they probably feel the same way, like always." Andrew states.
"Yea, mom, Andrew is not wrong, we do feel the same, like why did you lie." They say in unison.
"Uh, sorry to be interrupted, but who is who here." I ask.
"Oh right, sorry, we forgot to introduce you to the twins. Adelaide, would you do the honors of doing so, please?"
"Of course mother, alright so Aphrodite, this here on the right side of the couch is Oliver and on the left is Khai, the way to tell them apart is Khai has a bit darker blonde hair and Oliver has platinum blonde, just like yourself." Adelaide tells me.
That is when I notice that he does. Alexa has the same color hair, just a bit more lighter. I am a bit surprised she didn't get Leo's hair since he has brown hair and brown hair is known to be more dominant than blonde hair.
I bring myself out of my thoughts just as Alexa walks in with Jake behind her. She stops midway, causing Jake to run into her. She looks at the boys and notices who they are as she reaches her phone out and looks in her camera. She looks back at Oliver and is stunned. She then looks at me, and that is when I realize they look completely alike, just different genders. It horrifies me as I look between them. How can my daughter look exactly like my little brother. That's impossible, isn't it.
"Okay, this is weird, mom, I think I'm gonna go buy some dark hair dye and dye my hair so I don't look like my uncle, who is like six years younger than me. Jake, let's go, please." Alexa says, dragging Jake with her.
"Hold up, who the hell are you, and why do you look like Oliver and Khai?" Andrew questions, stopping Alexa in her tracks.
"Okay, first of all, don't swear at me, young man. Second of all, I am Aphrodite's daughter, Alexandrea carmen garcia. I am the daughter she was pregnant with when she left my grandmother's house, and why I look like your brothers, I have no fucking clue." Alexa says a bit mad.
"Uh Alexa honey, please calm down, you go do you and go dye your hair, take Jake with you and you guys get down to business and figure out this situation of yours baby girl okay." I speak up before Andrew can say anything.
"Alright mom, we will, I love you."
"I love you too sweetie." I say as her and Jake leave for the day.
I never imagined this is how meeting my family would go. It surprisingly went a bit better than I had anticipated. I guess when you expect a certain thing, is goes the other way around.

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