Born 2

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Noah's POV

I met my wife in college 7 years ago, and it already has been almost 1 year of us being married. Making it almost 8 years of being together. During this almost one year of being married, we found out that she was pregnant.

We were both over the moon excited, especially me, though, because not only would I have an heir to run the business after me, but because I'm going to be a father. My wife Althea always tells me that I'll be an amazing father every time I doubt myself, and I do the same with her every time she doubts herself.

We pick each other up through the bad times and make sure they become good ones. I will always be there for my wife just as I will be there for my soon to be son or daughter. Whatever gender the baby is, i'll be happy either way.

Time lapse, 6 months later

My wife is almost 7 months along now, and so far, it has been the perfect pregnancy. She is carrying our son Jacob enzo Hunter. Or just jake for short. We had our baby shower last month, and it made her cry tears of joy when we found out the baby's gender. For me, I was running around all over the place screaming, "I'm going to be a dad, and I'm having a son. Our dreams came true."

Althea kind of got mad at me for running around like a child, but I kissed her, and she instantly forgave me. I knew she wouldn't stay mad at me for long anyway. I mean, all I had to say was say,'You know i love you' or kiss and pick up her baby bump from time to time so she can relax a bit.


On the 9th month of her pregnancy, we basically had to stay the whole month in the hospital because she went into pre-term labor. I, of course, was a guy who didn't know what that was until she told me. Once those words wscaped her mouth, I ran to get my phone and called for an ambulance.

Once they got to the house, they put her on the gurney with me following closely behind. I was so worried the whole way there that I couldn't focus on anything until my wife touched my hand and brought me back to reality. Once she did that, I realized we were already at the hospital.

They rushed her out of the ambulance, into the hospital, and into a delivery room. An hour later, they said she was doing alright and explained everything to me while walking me to her room. I thanked the gods that she was doing okay. I don't know what I would do if i lost my wife and my son.

During the month of being in the hospital, my wife had gotten some pretty hard kicks from our son to the point where she had to call the doctor at times. Every time that happened, I feared the worst, but it never came until he was born.

That month later, a day before his due date, he was born, healthy, and handsome. They handed him to my wife at first before she handed him to me to hold for some time. I took that time to really look at him and see how much he looked like me. The only thing he got from his mother was her eyes. Which were a mix of blue and green.

One minute later, I look up to smile at my wife when I see she's not moving or breathing. I panic as I carefully put my son in the little crib next to me. I take one huge step towards my wife, when i all but say out loud in my panicked voice "no baby, please wake-up, I need you with me, I need you by my side, our son needs you, please come back to me baby." I say as I press the button for the doctor. He immediately comes through the door and sees what I'm seeing, and he immediately gets to work.

They try everything to get her back, but nothing works, and all you can hear is Jake's crying in the background. I go to carry him, and he stops crying. He's a happy little baby, and I couldn't ask for more...

I will never blame him for my wife's death because he is the most precious thing to me.

15 years later

Jakes POV

I just turned 15 a month ago, and when I got home from school, i asked one of the maids where my dad is. As she tells me he's in his study, I make my way there.

As expected, he's in there. He doesn't seem to notice me, so I start to say, "Hey dad, I'm home from school," and he takes that chance to look up from his papers to look at me.

"Oh hey kiddo, what's up, why aren't you doing your homework?" My dad asks.

"Oh, I'm about to do it, but I just wanted to ask you something." I say in return.

"What is it, kiddo?" he asks again.

"Well, there's this new movie that just came out, and -" I try to say when he cuts me off, "you want to go see it, don't you?" he says.

I all but smile and say "yes I do dad, can we go see it tonight after I'm done with homework?"" I ask, and he shakes his head yes while he says "sure kiddo, we can. Let me just finish this paperwork, and we'll go." He says, and I say okay and head upstairs to do my homework.

After I got my homework done, I took a shower, washed my hear, my body, got out and got dressed in a blue short sleeve shirt, a pair of grey jeans and combed my hair back. After I did the finishing touch of spraying some cologne on me, a knock from the door can be heard.

My dad comes in and asks, "Hey kiddo, you ready, I bought the tickets online, and we have to be there in 30 minutes." My dad says.

"Alright, dad, I just finished. Should we head out and grab some food on the way, or are we gonna eat there?" I ask.

"Well, what do you wanna do, son?" My dads asks.

"Hm..lets eat there so we don't waste any time." I say as we start heading to the car and drive off..

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