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Days until my mom gives birth to the twins and four months till I give birth to my baby girl. Time went by so fast that I didn't even realize that my mother was about to give birth to the twins or the fact that Hera had been making dresses for all of Jake's upcoming fashion shows. Jake says that she is doing a pretty good job and that he thinks that he might as well hire her.

Hera said she would love to because she is getting tired of working as a nurse. She said not to get her wrong and that she loves working in the profession she has chosen, but she shows more interest in the fashion design field. She hopes to design more prestige outfits or dresses in due time. 

Every time she has the necessary material in her hands, Jake gives her somewhat of a time limit and she gets it done within that time. She Surprises Jake and me every time and exceeds his expectations. She is also teaching the new employees of Jake's and to say the least, they are learning a lot from her. Hers had mentioned that she never took classes for any of it, that it is a hidden talent, and got none other than Jake himself to confirm that. 

I didn't need confirmation though because I could tell that Hera was very talented from the moment when I first met her a year ago. Hera seemed like the cheerful type of girl but deep down, I know that she has her demons just like everyone else does. I have asked countless times for her to open up to me and she said she will in due time when she is ready to and I understand that. I didn't want to come off as pushy even though I already did but I reassured her that I would be there if she needed to talk. 

I know I have my demons but I can't bring it up due to the amount of days my mother will be giving birth and I in a couple of months. My mom said that she would want me there in the delivery room since my father isn't back from the security issue in Georgia yet. I think my mom is losing hope of him showing up. I promised I would look after her but Due to my pregnancy, it is hard to keep track of the little things that happen. 


Day of the birth of the twins - 

My mom's water broke a day early and she has been in the hospital since yesterday. I called my father and told him but I don't think he will make it on time. He said he would try to be here for the birth of my brothers but I doubt it. He's been gone for like two months taking care of the issue with the breaking-in of his security place. 

"Alexa" I hear my father's voice. 

"Dad, you made it. I'm so glad you're here. Mom's in the delivery room getting ready to give birth to the boys. Hurry up and make it in there. She kept refusing to push without you." I tell him out of breath.

He heeds my words and runs to her delivery room and makes it in time. I am so glad he was able to make it despite him not being able to find the problem with the security company yet. I know my mother is probably smiling by now since he is there. I do wish he was there for my birth, but I am not mad that he wasn't. He has apologized one too many times and I am tired of hearing it. 

My phone dings and I look at it to see one of the babies is already in one of the basinets while my mother is pushing the second one out. Soon after, my dad comes out and then we go back in. We get to the room and I see that my mother is feeding the twins and smiling like never before. I go up to her side to see how they look. 

"Hey mama, how are you feeling? I'm so glad they are finally here. Can I hold one of them?" I ask my mother as she gives me one and my father takes the other one. My mom said that since Aunt Thea chose the names, she would not tell us the names until Aunt Thea got here. 

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I come bearing gifts and the names of the babies. Okay, so I decided which baby should be named what. Leo sent me pictures of each and I know which one will be named what." Aunt Thea explains.

"I took a close look at them and the only way you can tell them apart is by their eyes. One has a light grey and green and the other just has pure grey eyes." "The one with both colors will be named Aiden Hayes and the other will be Reggie Hayes. What do you guys think?" She asks.

"I think they are great names for the boys. Thank you so much Thea." my mother says as she falls asleep and I hand Aiden to Aunt Thea. 

"I have to get going guys but I will see you later on alright? I will be there for dinner." I tell them ready to head home to Jake. 

Today has been a stressful day worrying about my mom and my father not showing up but everything worked out in the end. I am so glad he was able to make it in time for the birth of his sons. Speaking of giving birth, I give birth in a few short months and I haven't even bought the things necessary for the baby's room. 

When I get home, I will tell Jake and we'll have to go to the store together to choose things for the room. I am just sad that I won't be pregnant for another three years but at the same time, I am okay with that because it will give Jake and me time to settle down with our baby girl. 

Aria and Tristen have the name for her and they ran it by Jake just to be safe and they said that he loved the name. I do not doubt that I won't love it since he did. They are keeping it a surprise from me since I have been through so much already. 

I am just glad I found these amazing people in my life.

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