Banana Bread Recipe

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Disclaimer: The video above is for the recipies, but it is not the same.

You can either follow mine, or you can follow what's in the video.

Thank you



1. Regular banana bread


2 whole yellowish brown bananas
Powdered sugar
2 eggs
Vanilla extract
Vanilla cake mix
Pecan/ walnuts/ your choice of nuts

What you will need to combine everything

2 Forks
Bread pan

How to put to make the batter

Preheat the oven to 350° F
In the bowl, sift 1 tbsp of flour and 1 tbsp of powdered sugar.
Next, sift 1 cup of sugar into the same bowl.

Then melt 1 tbsp of butter in the microwave. While that's melting, crack the eggs into the bowl. After butter is done melting, get it out of the microwave and pour it into the bowl with the flour and sugar.

Then, add in 2 tsp of vanilla, then ½ a cup of milk.

Then, open the vanilla cake mix and pour that into the somewhat liquid mix.
After that, mash up the bananas on a plate and put them into the mixture.
Now, mix it in while slowly adding a bit of milk each time.

The milk is there to make it soft and to add if it's way too thick to almost a solid. If your mix is in between thick and thin, that's perfect. That's also when you can add in the pecans or walnuts.


Now, you want to pour the batter into the bread pan while smoothing it out with a spoon very gently. And bake it for 30 minutes.


For the blueberry, lemon, and strawberry ones, they are made the same way as the regular one, but a little bit different.

Blueberry: cut blueberries in half and tos them in the batter, stirring it to even the out. Pour into the pan and put 2 dots of blue food coloring at the top, 4 in the middle, and 2 at the bottom. Take a skewer stick and swirl it around. Pour some batter and repeat.

Lemon: Put some lemon zest into the batter and mix to even out. Then take 2 tbs of lemon juice and pour into the batter, stir to even it out. Pour some batter into a pan, put 2 dots of yellow food coloring on, too, 4 in the middle, and 2 at the bottom. Repeat till all the batter in is the pan.

Strawberry: Do all the steps mentioned in the lemon and blueberry ones but with strawberries, strawberry juice, and red food coloring.

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