Staying 2

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Aphrodite POV
I am awoken from my peaceful slumber with banging on my front door. I check the time, and it's only 6 in the morning, to which I already know alexa is at the bakery. The banging continues as I make my way downstairs and to the front door to open it. I am half asleep as I do so, but I am immediately wide awake as I see who is at my door. I didn't think he was serious about staying, but here he is, at my door.
"Ugh....I thought you would have left after us not wanting to see you and us hating you." I mumble not in the mood to fight.
"Haha, no, when I said I was staying, I meant it."
"I can see that. Well, I guess you're here to talk, so come in and make yourself comfortable on the couch." I tell him
"Thank you, and thank you for giving me a chance to talk with you." He thanks me
"I'm not giving you a chance, I just guessed you needed to, also cause I don't feel like fighting so early in the morning." I mumble again, getting annoyed.
"Well, regardless of you giving me a chance or not, I came here to apologize to you for the many years that I treated you horrible and almost killed you for being pregnant with Alexa." He says in a soothing tone while I just stare agape, not really knowing if I should believe him or not.
"Now I know that a simple apology won't fix anything, but I do want to make it up to you. I want to have a father daughter relationship with Alexa. I want to get to know her, and I want to know what you have been up to. If I have to admit, I missed you Aphrodite. After I made you leave, I realized I had lost the best thing that had ever happened to me. I went and got some therapy because I believed that if by any chance I saw you again, I wanted to ask you out again and make things right. Of course, I never did until I did some research, and I found you. I am here to make amends with you, Aphrodite." He finishes. But I am still skeptical,  and I still don't trust his words one bit.
"How do I know you're not lying to me? How do I know you're not just trying to bait me into something I can't escape?" I ask the two most important questions of all.
"If you don't trust me, or believe me, then let me make it up to you. Let me earn your trust again, please, Aphrodite.  I am begging you." Leo says as he drops to his knees in front of me.
"If I have to admit, I am hesitant about it all, but I will let you try, but that doesn't mean the same goes for Alexa. She will make that decision on her own. Whether she wants to get to know you or not leo, the decision is hers, I however will give you another chance, but take it slow." I say to him as he agrees.
"How can I do it for Alexa? How or what can I say to her?"
"If you want to win Alexa's good side, then just tell her what you told me. You want a father daughter relationship with her, and you'll do anything to see her happy." I tell him.
"He doesn't need to, I've already made up my mind, I'll give him a chance, but like mom said, take it slow." Alexa says, catching us by surprise.
"Alexa, what are you doing here, I thought you were at the bakery."
"I was on my way there, but I came back because I forgot something." She says.
"Bakery, what bakery?" Leo asks.
"I own a bakery. It's been open for about 5 months now."
"Oh wow, that's amazing, may I go see it, please."
"Mm, how about another day because the young man from last night is there, and he might try to punch you again." I say to him.
"Hm, good point. Well, I think I should head off, I don't want to intrude any longer than I should have, anyway, goodbye, see you two another time." He says as he walks off and drives away.
Alexa POV
As I open the door to the house, I stop dead in my tracks as I see my mom and my supposed dad talking. I was about to open my mouth to yell, but I stopped when he say's he wanted a father daughter relationship with me and he wanted to get to know me. I can tell he's being sincere by the tone of his voice. Before I could stop myself, words tumble out of my mouth, and I said I would give him a chance, I just don't know about Jake. Surprise is written all over their faces before wearing off into a thin line.
My mom asks what I'm doing here, and I just tell her I forgot something, which isn't a complete lie because I did actually forget something. After leo leaves, I head upstairs to my room and look for it. Ten minutes went by, and I finally found it. Last night before going home, Jake stopped at a jewelry store and bought a ring. He said it was a promise ring and that I should always wear it. I forgot it due to being half asleep this morning, but it's a good thing I remembered on the way to work.
Going back downstairs, I see my mom heading out, but I find it weird since she doesn't work today. Normally, when she doesn't work, she stays home and binge watches her show. I figure maybe it's a doctors appointment as she drives off in the direction of the city. I didn't get to ask cause she had already left, and I had to be back at the bakery, so I got in my car and drove off.

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