What Did You Call Her?

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Aphrodite POV
I stare at the women who ran in calling my mother mom, and she doesn't seem to notice me until I clear my throat.
"I'm sorry, what did you just call her?"
"I called her mom because she is my mother, who the fuck are you." She says angrily.
"Apparently your older sister, Aphrodite."
"Oh, so your the bitch that almost killed our mother and then ran away cause you were faking a pregnancy." She says.
"What the fuck, is that what this crazy bitch told you. Huh, no wonder why your acting the way you are. Well, I hate to break it to you little sister, but that's not what really happened and as for that fake pregnancy, it was real because I had a daughter with that fake pregnancy." I say as I look at Alexa and she looks at me at the same time and that is only when I wish she got the message behind my tone and thankfully she did as she nods her head.
"Yes, as my mother said, I am right here alive and kicking well, wouldn't you say Jake." She looks at him.
"I do and may I say that everytime this happens, you get even more beautiful. Oh by the way, that lady standing next to your so called grandmother, is my assistant, Adelaide and may I mention that she has tried to come onto me after I keep telling her no and kicking her out. She does know that I have a girlfriend and now she's finding out it's you. So please handle her accordingly. I love you." Jake says as he kisses her on the forehead.
Alexa looks at all three of us with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and we all just nod our heads yes.
"Okay, so you're my so-called grandmother, and you're my so-called aunt, am I right. Okay, well, since you both are in my bakery, I can press charges on you. Caroline for threat and aggravated assault, and Adelaide for aggravated assault towards my boyfriend. If you guys don't want that happening, I suggest you get the fuck out of my bakery, and never come back." She is cut off as Adelaide speaks up.
"I'm sorry what. I am really confused here. First off, my so called big sister said that what ever lie mom had been feeding me and our brothers is all a lie, second, I am barely finding out I have a niece, and last but definitely not least. Your Jake's girlfriend and I can be charged with aggregated assault for what I've done. Am I leaving anything out." She asks looking at Alexa.
"No your not, you pretty much got everything, and if you would like to know the actual truth of what went down almost twenty years ago, you are welcome to come to my house with all of us and we will explain. Mother you come along as well." I tell her as she agrees.
Thirty minutes later, we all arrive at my house and we head inside, and sit on the sofas.
"So first and for most, mother, I would like to know how you found where I live." I state in a serious tone.
"Well, I originally came here to see your little sister but when I stopped at the gas station to put some gas, I heard these group of friends saying your name non stop. They were saying both good and bad but when I asked them if they were talking about you, they were. I then asked if she had a baby, and they said you had a baby girl named Alexandrea. So me being me and being impatient, I just asked where you lived and they gave me the address." She tells me out of breath.
"Well, that explains why your here and why you were acting the way you were."
"Okay, no offense but can we get to the point on why we are all here. I am confused as hell, not to mention, I just met my older sister and I already made a bad impression." Adelaide complains.
"Yes we can, so since mom told you her version of the story, I will tell you mine." I tell her.
Time lapse, an hour later
"And now we are here." I finish saying.
"Hold up. So you mean to tell me, mother here told you to get an abortion when you told her and father you were pregnant. They then tell you to get an abortion which you agree to but you didn't follow with because you couldn't. Them when they went on a date, you told this asshole here and he tried to kill you and Alexa when you were pregnant with her. You then ran away, got a job, found your friend Thea, had Alexa, raised her secretly, made her who she is, and she owns the bakery we were just in two hours ago. Your now baby daddy again came back, said some messed up shit, and asked for forgiveness by showing you how sorry he is and your pregnant with his twins. Am I leaving anything out or no."
"No, you pretty much got everything. Also, yes this is the truth, Alexa is my actual daughter, and I did not know mother was pregnant with you when I left. I am so sorry." I apologize.
"There is no need to apologize Aphrodite. I have been dying to meet my older sister. The only thing I don't understand is why you lied to me mom, and not just me but the boys as well. You know they won't be happy when they find out the truth, right."
"Yes I know they won't and that's where I fucked up, I should have just told you all the truth instead of lie and for that I am sorry." She confesses as Adelaides anger subsides and mine does too.

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