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Alexa POV

I've had this nightmare ever since James got arrested. It has been one year since he's been gone and one year since I've been having this stupid dream. It causes me to always wake up in the middle of the night screaming, and I don't like that it does because it always wakes Jake up and has him worry for me.

I made a mental note that when I go to the doctor to see how far along I am, I will ask if they know anything about this. It scares me to think that he can escape, but it scares me more to know he might actually do it. If he does manage to escape, I don't know what I would do.

As far as I am concerned, I am almost two months along, but going to the doctors to make sure is a good idea. I have no clue how pregnant women keep up, but I will try my best.

Being a mom has always been my biggest dream, and I would love to bring my child into this world, but I just wish it wasn't so cruel. I hope I can have my baby before James tries to escape. I'm not saying he will, but I wouldn't put it past him to try.

If he is as bad as he's shown me when he tried to rape me, then there is definitely no doubt he'll try to escape. I wouldn't put it past him to try. He seems like the perfect type to do so. Who knows, he might even gain some friends in there to help him.

Ever since these nightmares came, Jake has been super weary of letting me sleep alone when I take my naps. He vowed that he would take a break from work for a couple of weeks to take care of me and our growing baby. I am so lucky that I met him because without him, I don't think I could have ever been this happy.

Yeah, I had my mother, father, and my growing siblings, but I felt safest in Jake's arms. Speaking of my mother, she is already five months pregnant, and I am so excited for when she gives birth to my brother's. I would get another dream come true of having siblings.

We did my mom's baby shower in the bakery because that's where she wanted it. The decorations were simple. We did the normal blue-pink baby gender reveal, but we added purple to signify that she was having twins.

The purple wasn't anything special, but I had the idea to put it in balloons to trick my parents when they popped it open. It was a funny trick, and they laughed it off, but then I brought out the real balloon.

This one showed my mother was having boys and I couldn't be happier, but that's when these nightmares took a turn. They played worse in my sleep. They would make me think that I was dating James and not Jake.

To me, it was some kind of warning that maybe, just maybe, he was actually planning on escaping. The thought terrified me even more, but I had to be strong. I had to be strong for myself, my baby, Jake, the bakery, and my parents.

My parents know about the nightmares, and my dad has offered to put body gaurds up again, and this time, I actually said yes, but until after I give birth. He agreed with me until after I gave birth in about seven months, so I wouldn't be stressed.

I am lucky to have my parents and the help of everyone close to me so I wouldn't be lonely in these types of situations. In time like this, all I wanted to do was isolate myself, but I couldn't do that knowing that I had friends and family that loved me.

The bakery also helped keep me busy, and my mind off of the nightmares, but it didn't last long before I went home and fell asleep only to have them again. Playing over and over in my head. I would think about them when I get home, and I would have to pull myself from those thoughts so I could make dinner for Jake and I.

They would go away at times, and when they did, I would be happy, but they always came back at full force. I have prayed to God countless times, only to be answered with more nightmares about James and sometimes Helena.

After the incident regarding Tracie, they caught Helena and her mother, and they served the same amount of time in prison as James. I am glad they are where they belong, but I get the feeling that they would try anything to escape just like James would.

I dont want to think that they will escape, but these nightmares won't let me think otherwise. What's scary is that I am afraid these nightmares will come true. I really wish they won't, but I would just have to see what happens.

I watch the news every morning, and the same thing plays over and over about what happened in the bakery. Both incidents from what happened with James and Helena.

They first played the James incident, and then they played the incident with Helena. Both footages letting people know what their beloved ones can be or turn out to be.

I have to take my mind off of these nightmares in order to know how far along I am with my pregnancy. I know I am almost two or three months along, but I'm going to the doctors to make sure plus, sounds better than just guessing.

Even though James has been in prison for a year, I haven't been pregnant that long. It feels like I have, but in reality, I haven't.

I take my mind off of James and the nightmares as I get everything ready for my doctor appointment tomorrow. I want to focus on the present and not the future, so I put every thought of those stupid nightmares away and focus on getting ready.

Jake has been working hard to find stuff for the fashion but has had no luck until he asked Hera for help. Hera had recently gotten fired from her nursing job as a rumor of her spread, but that didn't stop her from doing what she really wanted.

She wanted to be a designer and host fashion shows, so Jake hired her, and ever since then, Hera has been way happier than before. She has found ways to make designs for the fashion show, and may I say, she is very talented.

She offered to make my baby shower dress, but I agreed only if my mother and Aunt Thea could help with choosing things to go with it. Thankfully, she agreed to that part and is making it with my two most loved women. They said they would call me when it is time to go try it on, but with every passing day, my belly is growing and I don't think I can fit in the dress they are making for me.

They had reassured me it would be stretchy so I could fit my baby bump into when the time came in about four months. I am so excited for my appointment to find out how far along I am and to know my baby's gender.

I know I said I wanted to wait till I gave birth to find out my baby's gender, but Jake had talked me into doing a gender reveal party. He had mentioned how Hera was happy to be a step aunt and how she had mentioned that she wanted to make a baby gender reveal dress.

I finally agreed to it, and for the first time in a long time, I felt calm and happy. I wasn't thinking about the nightmares, but about the people I love and my baby.

I thank the gods every day for giving me the perfect family. I wouldn't change this for the world.

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