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James POV
Ever since I tried to do that to Alexa, I've been mentally cursing myself out because I said I would never hurt her, and I did. I had slapped her, and now, because of my stupid self, I have been in prison for five years for attempted rape. I know it has only been a few months in here but I wish I could go back in time and start everything over again so I wouldn't hurt her, so I wouldn't be in prison for what I did to her. I wish I could go back in time to fix everything.
"Yo, James, you got a visiter."
"A visitor, who?" I ask curiosity getting the better of me.
"You'll see." The guard says," I am being taken to the lunch area. "
When we get there, I see a lot of people but only one person stands out, and it is the person that took her away from me, the person who ruined my life....Jake. Never would I have thought he would visit me, but it turns out I was wrong. He is just sitting there casually looking around until he spots me, and he instantly has a look of anger on his face.
"Oh look, if it isn't the asshole who stole Alexa from me!" I exclaim.
"I didn't 'steal' her from you. She chose me instead of you. Also, it is not my fault she chose a more mature man instead of a child, like yourself." He says in a serious tone.
"Now, I didn't come here to apologize for anything or make small talk. The only thing I came here was to ask why you did what you did to her almost a year ago. You do realize that you traumatized her beyond anything in this world right, and worst of all, you did it in a place she loved. Her own bakery, James. Why would you do something like that? What has gotten into you?" He asks.
"What's gotten into me? Really, you're asking me that. Well, let's see, oh, I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you took my crush from me. Made her your girlfriend and possibly your future wife as well. You knew i liked her, and yet here you sit asking what's wrong with me. What about you, huh? What's wrong with you." I start to yell as the guards come over and take me away.
"I will get you, Jake, and I will make you pay." Those were the last words that left my mouth before turning the corner, and I am thrown back into my cell. I blurted out those words, and I intend to keep them. That's a promise I am going to keep for when I leave this hell whole.
Alexa POV
It's nearly been one year since the James and Helena incidents, and I am still recovering from one of them. I knew that stuff like that happened all of the time, but I just didn't think it would happen to me, let alone by the person I saw as a brother. Yes it happened, Yes I am traumatized beyond limits, but I am a strong women and if can get through anything, I can get through that, it just might take a little bit more time.
It is currently the end of February and my birthday is almost here. I will be twenty years old this year and on my birthday, I opened up the bakery which means on my birthday, it would be one year I opened it. But for the James' situation, it will mark one year in August. One year on August 14th is what he tried to do to me. Yes, he is in prison, but I hope the judge doesn't change her mind and let him out on parole. One year since opening that bakery, but four months since my mom found out she was pregnant. For this baby shower, we would be doing it in the bakery since my dad wanted to see the inside and since he wanted to decorate everything for the gender reveal.
Instead of cake, it will be banana bread to reveal the gender of the babies. Yes, you heard correct, my mom is pregnant with twins. She was ecstatic when she found out she was having twins. I was excited cause I get more than just one sibling, I get two, and I get to take care of them. My mom has told Aunt Thea about this, and least to say she wasn't quite happy about this at first, but my mother later convinced her that my dad has really changed. He has been showing her as well, so she would believe it more, and she did. Now she is happy for my mom, and my mom is happy for her having my nephew Elijah. Now he is not really my nephew by blood since Aunt Thea is my mom's friend, but to me, he is and will always be my nephew no matter what.

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