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Jake POV

As I was showering, my phone rings and I thought it would be just a colleague of mine, but when I look, it's Alexa.

"Hey honey, are you on your way back?" I ask

"Yes, but we need to talk when I get home because my day has been so stressful and not to mention we have a doctors appointment in two days to see how the baby is doing and to see how far along I am." Alexa says as she takes a deep breath.

"Anyway, how was your day?" She then asks me.

"It was good, just been trying to come up with some new ideas for the fashion show. I'm thinking maybe I can ask Hera to help out since she loves design even though she is doing a different profession." I tell her.

"I think that's a good idea. You should. I'm pretty sure Hera has a lot of designs, and not to mention, she would be really happy." She says.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll send her a text." I say back.

"Alright, well, I'm pulling up, so we'll continue talking when I get inside." Alexa says as she hangs up, and I finish my shower and then get dressed.

About ten minutes later, Alexa pulls up into the driveway, shuts the car off, and comes inside.

"Hey, sweetie!" I say as I kiss her.

"Mm, if you kiss me like that, I might forget what I needed to talk to you about." She said.

"Well, too bad. You gotta tell me first, then I'll give you what you want." I say.

"Alright, but first to start this off, did you know that Helena has a twin sister?" She asks.

"No, I did not. How did you find out?" I ask back.

"Well, after I went to visit my parents this morning, I went to the store to get new coffee machines to replace the ones from the incidents of both my grandmother and Helena." She pauses and then continues, "Well, after that, this lovely couple followed me to the bakery to get some ideas because they want to open up their own little restaurant. Anyway, skip that part." She says as she sits down.

"A couple hours after that, I got a call from the chief of police to meet him down at the prison so I did but before I went there, I picked up my grandmother to go with me." She continues. "We got to the prison, and a guard led us to the office, and as we get to it, we see Helena, or who we thought was Helena. Turns out it's her twin Tracie." She tells me as she looks at me.

No doubt my face has shock written all over it.

"Haha, yeah, trust me, I was as shocked as you were, babe." She says.

"So she has a twin, her mother said she didn't and gave out her address, and got her aressted." I say skeptically.

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised. Helena and her mother have been like that since we were kids. Even though our moms got along to some extent, Helena and I never did, but I always knew what her mother was like." Said Alexa.

"Well, that's a big turn of events. I just hope they know the consequences of their actions. They could both go to jail for more than what Helena was supposed to go for, possibly life." I say.

"Yeah, but now that that's over, can I get what I want, please." She asks me.

"Hm, let me think....what does my beautiful girlfriend want?" I ask, knowing the answer. I just want to hear her say it.

"You know what I want. Don't tease me."  She says.

"Uh uh, I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say those four words. Come on baby, say them." I tell her.

"I want you, Jake."

"Haha, that's better." I say as I kiss her as I pull her into my lap, her legs on either side of me.

She kisses down to my neck and bites, leaving me a hickey and then she does the same on the other side as I let out a groan.

"Mm, you're playing a dangerous game here, Alexa." I say breathlessly

"Haha, good because that's the point. Now take me." She demands as she takes off her shirt.

I take that as my cue to get up and take her upstairs to the room.

A couple minutes later, we get inside, I close the door and throw her gently on the bed.

She takes off her pants and underwear as I take my time to look at her.

She quirms underneath my stare, so I go to hold her in place.

"Ah, uh, dont move." I tell her

She listens as I take my own clothes off and crawl on top, settling myself in between her legs.

I quickly push in as I get a moan from her, and I start off slow before picking up my pace.

We do this well into the night, and we'll into the morning before we both fall into a deep slumber as I cradle her in my arms.

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